Some News

Once again it’s been too long and once again there is a lot to share.

We had the boys 14-18 camp.  It was a little bit stressful leading up to it, once again I had staff cancel, some leaving early, some arriving late.  While this required some juggling around it all worked out because we only had a few boys sign up.  It went well over all.  They were well behaved (well for the most past but we do expect some misbehavior now and then).  And if I am being honest, with this group it’s hard to tell how much they are receiving and how attentive they are for the devotional times.  I just pray that what they learned and experienced here, not only through the devotionals, but also through the games and activities and interactions with the staff, that will take root and grow in their hearts once they leave camp and that the memories will stay with them.  I always like to remind myself that God brought them here for a reason and He hand-picked each one of those boys, so I pray that His plans for them will come to pass.

I have had to cancel the girls camp (twice now) for different reasons and I am hoping to do it in January before they start back at school.  I am really looking forward to this camp and really want to do it, so I pray that it all works out.

Also on December 4thand 5tha good friend of mine who has a discipleship group for ladies in one of the neighborhoods where our kids come from, brought them up here for a year end retreat. This as also a really nice time, I helped with a couple activities but she planned the rest which was so nice and I didn’t have a lot of responsibility during this camp (again which was nice, it helps keep my stress level down).  I always love when the ladies come up here, because, as I mentioned before it’s just such a nice time to hang out with them and I don’t have to worry about them as much.  The ladies also love coming up here because it gives them a break.  They get to relax and they feel so much peace here, so I am thankful that they have this opportunity as well.

Well I guess with nothing else to say…here comes the big news (I assume most of you already know) but for those of you who don’t, I will be moving back to Canada in April of next year.  Well this may come as a shock to some of you it has been something that I have been thinking about and praying about for most of this year and made a firm decision in September.  The reasons are many, some big and some small and they kind of mesh together and I kind of feel like I can fill a whole blog of reasons.  I am still kind of in the processing phase and I go from being really excited, to really scared, to really sad, sometimes in a matter of minutes.  I never knew that I could experience so many emotions at the same time.  Maybe in a later blog I will post more about this, as I said I am still processing it and I don’t want it to come across as a list of excuses, but if you have any questions you can contact me directly at

So in this season and in this season please pray for me. There is a lot to wrap up here, a lot of goodbyes to be sad and a lot to figure out for back home, like where I will live and what job will I do and what car I will drive and what should I do with my dogs.  Questions and uncertainties that role around in my head and heart.  This is a whole other step of faith for me and I am being stretched in whole new ways.  

Once again, as always, thank you for your love and support and prayers and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


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