Very Last One

Well guys this very well might be it, my very last blog, and quiet the journey it has been, maybe one day I will go back and read them all, or print them all off and just see and reflect and remind myself of all the things God has done and how He has been FAITHFUL and GOOD throughout all this journey, even in the seasons of doubt and unanswered prayers.


I have been back for almost five months now and even that has been a journey and quiet overwhelming at times.  It has been so good to reconnect with many of you, the coffee’s, the meals, the good heart to heart chats, the encouragements and yes, even the tears.   I did finally find a job, starting on September 4th, working with Catholic Social Services in a group home for at-risk-kids.  It’s a six month contract, not my first choice of a job, but I am thankful and hoping that with a foot in the door that it will be a start anyways.


It has been good to be back and for the most part that has been my answer when I have been asked, but it has also been a little hard and I think or feel like for the past couple of years I have been living in survival mode, just getting through the days without falling apart.  So now that I am finally here, that I am finally back, after all the craziness in leaving in midst of a pandemic, it has been a little hard and that’s okay and really to be expected.  And honestly it hasn’t been until really recently that I have admitted to myself that it has been hard.  It was hard leaving during a pandemic, packing unpacking, leaving not leaving, all the back and fourth.  It was hard leaving without saying goodbye to SOOOOOOO many people who have been a huge part of my life for SOOOOO many years.  It was hard leaving my dogs behind.  It was hard leaving so many personal things behind ( I know they are just things and can easily be replaced, but still it was hard).  It has been hard that it took me so long to find a job, and again in the spirit of honesty, it has been really hard for my confidence.  It has been hard being back at my parents again (and really I am super thankful for them and for living expense free), but not having my own space or having my own home.  Most of my stuff is still in suitcases and it has been hard because I will go to look for something I am not sure if it’s tucked away in a suitcase, if I left it in Colombia, if I gave it away or where the heck it is.  Anyways it has been good but it has also been hard and I think just giving myself permission to admit that it has been hard has helped and will help in the reintegration back “home”.


I know that I mentioned a couple blogs ago it has been a stretching of my faith trusting God in this new journey.  It has been hard trusting Him to provide a job and a place to live (I will be at my parents until November and then house sit for friends of the family for six months).  Trusting Him that I have a place and a purpose and worth back here in Canada.  It has been hard but I know that the God who provided for me in Colombia will provide for me here.  That the God who has been oh so faithful and loving in Colombia will continue to be oh so faithful and loving back here in Canada.  So while there have been fears and doubts and questions and tears, I am (mostly) excited to see what’s next and to see what’s in store and to rediscover  who Ingie in Canada.  Also at the end of this month I am doing a little solo retreat to Jasper, just to have a time of reflection before I start my new job.


So once again, like for real, thank YOU ALL, for sticking through this journey with me.  Thank you for ALL the PRAYERS and ALL the SUPPORT and ALL the ENCOURAGMENT.  And since being back thank you ALL for WELCOMING home and making me feel that I have a place back here in Canada.  Words could never express how thankful I am that you were all apart of this journey and all apart of showering God’s love on the beautiful people of Colombia.  I could of NEVER EVER have done this without you, so really from the bottom of my heart and with everything in me, THANK YOU.


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