Learning CURVE

19 days and counting (that is if I finish writing this today and post it, if it’s tomorrow it will be 18 days and counting).   It has been crazy and busy and crazy and then a little more busy, but it´s ALMOST, ALMOST all together.  I have been excited, nervous, excited and little more nervous, overwhelmed, excited, grateful, excited and awed.  I have felt soo blessed by the encouragement and support that I have received in this past month and a bit, it has been incredible.
We had our first staff meeting on Sunday and it is a great group of staff, there were a few girls that I haven’t met and a few that haven’t met each other, but we had a great time and it’s going to be a great team.  It was an answer to prayer because I wanted girls that didn’t work with the ministry and I wanted lot’s of Colombians and in a staff of 12, only 4 of us are foreigners.  So that is a huge answer to prayer.
I also sent out an email for some of you to pray as the weeks the girls that are coming had off didn’t coincide, I did freak out a little, but as I have been shown time and time again God is ALWAYS faithful and ALWAYS good.
It has been a little bit of a learning curve as things I have never thought of before, or needed to think of in running a camp, I have had to think of in this one.  Like blankets and sheets, good thing the place we are using has them because the girls that are coming wouldn’t have extra to bring.  We need to have extra towels as a lot them share one with the family and taking their only towel wouldn’t be good.  Also toothpaste, a lot of the families don’t have toothpaste so bringing one when their family doesn’t have any also is a little silly, also toothbrushes might be a little hard to come by to.  But someone has offered to supply the towels and the counselors are going to bring a toothpaste for the cabin and we are going to see what we can do about toothbrushes and shampoo.  Like I said a lot of things that one would never have to think about.  But like I say, it has been good and God has been so faithful…. But we still need lots o prayer.
Please pray for Deisy, as I mentioned in previous blogs her mom is very sick.  She has had to miss out on a lot of extracurricular activities because of this and she is really worried that she won´t be able to come.  She does have other siblings that are more than capable of taking care of her mom while she is gone but they just don´t seem to care and she shared with me that while they will say, yeah we will take care of her, when the time come they won´t step up to the plate.  This camp is something she really needs and she really wants to go, so please please pray for her, I told her that her not going was not an option, so let’s pray that that is true.
Also please pray for the different groups we have going.  The girls that we are bringing they are used to their group and that they stay in their group and that they let no one into their group.  They are VERY closed off to outsiders, especially ones their own age and so it is going to be a battle to get them to integrate with each other.
Also we are not quite there yet for finances.  Sometimes I freak out a little about this but I know they will come in, I know this is a vision that God has and he has parted seas, stopped the day, healed leapers and raised people from the dead (just to name a few), so coming up with a few thousand dollars is nothing.  He has already proven himself faithful and I know that He is going to show up and blow my socks off.  It scares me a little bit, but at the same time I am so excited to see what God is going to do.
I am also looking for a team of people to pray for every girl and staff by name, every day of the camp.  If you would like to do this please email at napoleanishot(at)gmail.com.  When we have the final list of girls I will divide them out and hand them out.  Thanks again for your support and words of encouragement and even for your excitement.  It definitely helps me when I get overwhelmed.  I am so blessed to have you guys on this journey with me.
Thanks again

Oh and P.S, its 18 days and counting


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