Another Camp in the Books

So here it goes, another camp in the books and it was a full one.  20 beautiful girls ages 8-10 and 9 staff… every single bunk was used minus one.  And despite them coming together a little late, the are BEAUTIFUL and the girls and staff loved them and they go perfectly with the rusticness of camp.  It feels so good to have the bunks done and now even more then ever it looks like a camp, which of course makes me excited.

We did a little bit of a longer/harder hike with these girls and it actually turned out exactly how I wanted it to.  There was lots of complaining on the way up, a lot of them telling me they didn’t want to go any further but once they got to the top, the loved the view, loved hanging in the hammock and loved playing the games up at the top and on the way down they we’re all smiles.  I always ask them what their favorite part if camp was, a lot of them said the hike.  ( Well almost all of them say the food… we make sure to fill them up).  Even one of my staff said that she didn’t think that she would be able to do it but that she was so proud of herself for finishing it.  Its so nice seeing the kids and even the staff push themselves and challenge themselves and seeing the smiles on their faces when they do it.  I love that this is a safe place for kids and that they gets lots of love and have lots of fun and learn just how much their Father in heaven loves them.  I feel so privileged and honored to be a part of what God it doing in these little hearts and lives.

This year however has been a whirlwind and a little bit crazy, buying things and getting organized and learning (sometimes even by mistakes being made) how to do camp in a whole new way.  The list of things to do and buy and  what we need seems never ending.  I think this is really normal when one is running a camp and living on site but it has been so good and such a blessing having our own facilities and seeing the way God always, always provides.  (Even if means the bunk beds getting put together just two days before camp).  I have also been blessed with a community of people that are ready to jump in and help with anything that needs to be done.   Like driving the bus or booking a bus when the ministry bus is broken down to buying all the perishable food and bringing it straight to camp.  It really does take many hands to get the job done and I have been blessed with people who are willing to help out in anyway they can.  (I am still praying for a full-time team).

So since I loved having and hosting teams so much I thought I would start a little wish list for camp and as I mentioned before there is an unending list of small and big project to do…so if you want to bring a team down….

Anyways Camp Gozo wish list

Climbing wall
High ropes course
Long zip line
Obstacle course (think American Ninja warrior type thing)

And learning that we need to have some extra of these things on hand
Rubber boots
Running Shoes (while the girls did hike in crocs, probably not the best idea)
Sweaters (even thought we tell them to come warmly dressed…) 
Rain jackets
Back Packs

Anyways I think thats it for now.  The next camps are scheduled for October 6-8th, Boys 8-10 and October 11th-4th, Girls 14-18.

On a side note if you want to pray for my dear friend Rae Ann, we worked together here for a couple of year, but now she is back in San Antonio, she has just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian and Peritoneal cancer.  I know that she would really appreciate your prayers.

(I also have been having lots of problems with technology, but I think it's mostly sorted out now, so I do have pictures to post)
 9 Square
I think it ended up being close to 14 loads of laundry but so thankful for the dryer that was donated

Coming down from the hike

Top of the hike

Lots of little shoes, we have to store them inside now cause one of my dogs is a shoe thief 

Gaga Ball mud pit style, cause of all the rain


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