Another Update

So here we go again….in just over two weeks we have another round of camp.  This one is for boys 8-10 and it is just another two day one.  But as I learned from the little girls camp, that two days are still worth all the work and God can still do amazing things in just these two days and I am pretty excited, even though in the past this group has proven to be the most challenging for me.  Also for this camp there is a team of 9 people coming from the States to help out.  While it might add a bit of craziness and I don’t think they speak Spanish but they could be future staff or future supporters and I just love sharing with other people this crazy dream of Camp Gozo and the crazy plans that God has for it.  So I will welcome the craziness and let’s be honest, thats 9 more people to hug and love these kids so the craziness is worth it.

Things for this camp are falling together nicely.  For the boys camps this year I have had a co-director which I have loved and early lightens my load.  It is just so nice to have someone else that know what is going on and to share the responsibility with so whenever possible I am going to put this into practice.

And as I have mentioned in an earlier blog of a possible sabbatical next year, well it is for sure going to happen.  I have officially been accepted into the leadership school in New Zealand and I am BEYOND excited for this.  Just looking over the content of the school it just seems so amazing and that I am going to learn so MUCH in regards to leading Camp Gozo.  I have often just felt very ill-equipped (I don’t know if that’s the right word usage) when it comes to leading Camp Gozo.  While I have no problem leading children and teens, I really have no idea how to lead leaders (if that makes sense).  So I am super excited to have some teaching and learning to put under my belt as God continues to grow Camp Gozo.  I have also been feeling lately that it time for a little break and that I need some rest and some time away, especially to seek God and His plans for Camp Gozo, especially when we are looking into buy land.  I am so excited to spend more time at home and see people that I haven’t seen in awhile.  I am so excited to have good quality visits instead of just running from one visit to the other.  I am so excited for seasons (Colombia doesn’t  have seasons, and oh how I miss Canadian summer and falls).  I am so excited to be in Canada for my niece and nephews birthdays and to spend time with that family.  All that being said, there is a little part of my heart that is a little sad.  I am really going to miss Colombia and all the kids.  Every time I am up in Cazuca (the slums), my heart gets a little sad that I won’t see these kids for a whole year.  But I know it’s needed and that it’s time and that it will be a really beneficial, blessed time.

Also all that being said, there is sometimes a little guilt seeps in about going to New Zealand.  I sometimes feel that I am a missionary and shouldn’t be able to go to New Zealand.  That going there is to extravagant for a missionary.  But you know what, I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to go.  I feel so blessed of all the support I have received that I have been able to save up for this trip.  I feel so blessed at how deep the Father’s love is and how He wants to shower us with gifts and blessing and how much He delights in us.

When I first thinking about coming back to Colombia, I was thinking about things that I love that I would have to give up in order to go and travelling was one of them.  I love to travel and see the world and get to know new people and new cultures, but I thought that in order to be a missionary that that was one thing that I would have to give up.  I was so sure that God wanted me in Colombia and I was so excited to come that it was worth it to me,  Since then I have been to Peru, Bolivia and Chile (for my mission school outreach),  to Venezuela (the time I got kicked out of Colombia and for a friends wedding).  To Switzerland and France (to visit my brother and sister-in-law over Christmas when they were there for a year.  Haiti twice (once for Lori’s wedding and then when I was beyond blessed with a payed trip to see her).  And now to New Zealand which to me is a huge gift from a loving Father.  You see God does wants to lavish love and blessings on us, so instead of letting guilt seep in over this extravagant gift (oh and New Zealand was always on my list of places to see) I am going to be thankful, excited and joyful of a dream come true.

So once again a huge thanks to all of you who have given and supported my make my dreams and ministry come true here in Colombia.


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