Tired and Weary

I always think that it’s good that I wait a few days before I blog about camp because if I were to blog right after it, it wouldn’t of been very positive.  And being honest I would say that it was probably the hardest one that we have had.

I was exhausted and tired and stressed before this camp even started.  There were a bunch of things that happened with bank cards and having to cancel a camp and move it to  later date and just a few other things, so to say the least I didn’t have a lot of patience which is just what this group needed.

There were 29 of them and there were a lot of little gangsters, like for real.  We had problems with them stealing mangoes and chips and some pool toys.  We did bag searches and took away pool time and the last day when we couldn’t find these pool toys I had that we also used for a team building game I said to my friend “I feel defeated and I just can’t anymore”

That’s how I felt leaving the camp and I said to that same friend, I need some time to process this one.  So processing I did and God reminded me of a lot of things.

You see even the most gangster ones would come for their hugs and loved being around the staff.  Even in just the three and a half days there, they were swearing less and were less aggressive.  There were testimonies  of boys opening up and knowing that they have to work on forgiveness.  About them wanting and willing to pray in their cabins, about being moved that the Jesus paid for their sins by death on a cross.  24 for of them made a commitment made a decisions to follow Jesus… On the last day we had bibles to give away but not enough for everyone, so one staff asked his cabin who wanted to change their candies for a bible and the biggest gangster of the whole camp (one who had stolen) gladly changed his candies in for a bible.  He told me that the candies won’t last but that he will have his bible forever.  He is going to start reading the story of Joseph (it was the theme of the week).

God remind me that even though I am tired and weary, and I was tired and oh so weary, that He NEVER tires or NEVER grows weary.  That He is strength 100% of the time so I can rely and trust in Him.

He also reminded me of the vision of camp (this is the second time that He had to do this this year) “where children can experience the joy and love and their Father.”  You see God knew each of the boys that came to camp and He wanted each one of them there.  So mango/chip/pool toy stealing kids are not, God loves each one of these boys so incredibly much and has such big plans for their lives.  So they came to camp, they may have stolen, but they received the joy and love of their Father and hearts were changed, so there is no need for me to feel defeated because God showed up and showed these kids His light, love and joy…. Praise the Lord


K~ said…
Yes...just, yes.

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