The Good and the Bad

Not to sure really how to start this blog… I don’t know if I start with the good news first or the bad news first… I guess since I always like to end on a good note, let’s start with the bad news.
I did e-mail some of you to pray, so this is now old news to you but I guess I can update you on the situation.  One of my girls, I think I referred to her as Esperanza in other blogs.  But she is the one whose mom has always been really sick and in and out of hospital, for what seems like forever.  Esperanza is the one who has wanted to drop out of school in the past and start working just incase her mom passed away she would be able to support herself.  Well September 18 her mom did pass away from a heart attack.  My immediate concern was that she would drop out of school with only a couple months left and where would she live as it was just her and her mom, and of course for her heart.  I offered her to come and stay with me for a few days but she wanted to be alone, which I respected, and she didn’t want to talk much, which I also respected and is very Esperanza like.  She is still going to school and has a pretty good attitude.   She has been staying with one of her brothers off and one (which isn’t the best) and then by herself as well.  I offered my house some weekends and I will continue to offer.  I made sure she was eating and had food in whatever house she happened to be staying in.  I made sure she had transport money to get to and from school and I offered a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on whenever she needed.  I will continue to pray for her and be there for her in whatever ways I can, but that’s all I can do.  I have to admit that last week was a really hard week for me and my heart just broke for her and I was really worried about what would happen to her, and to be truthful I didn’t really understand where all these emotions were coming from.  But then I realized that I really love and care for these girls and it’s okay to hurt when they hurt and to care about what will happen to them.  I am doing much better now and have peace that the God who has cared and loved Esperanza up until this moment in her life, will keep on loving and caring for her from this point on, and me, I will continue to pray for her and be there in whatever way possible.  Thank you for all who prayed for her and wrote me telling me that she was in your prayers and asking me how she was doing. 
And the good news….
Camp starts in just over a week…. And I am pretty excited.  This one if for girls 14-18.  I was a little stressed because of last week I kind of got behind on camp stuff but I think I am mostly caught up.  And this time I am only planning one, instead of 5 like I did in the summer.  It’s also my girls last camp and I can’t say enough of how proud of them I am and how far they have come, and it’s also pretty cool how they have been part of Camp Gozo from the beginning as campers and as staff.  They are just so great.
With all that being said, if you want to sponsor a girl to go to camp this is the website and under projects click on Camp Gozo. 
Thanks so much


Unknown said…
Ingelbert, great to hear how you are sharing our Saviour with others. I am encouraged and have no doubt the Lord is working through you and in people like Esparanza's life. Keep up the great work! “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:58‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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