In- Between

Only 39 more days till the last Camp Gozo of the year.  It’s CRAZY how fast this year has flown by and I know, with my growing list of things to do before camp, that those 39 days will be here before I know it.

I did want to share however a little bit about what I do with my time when I am not eating, sleeping breathing camp (which I love to do by the way.)

Well some (most) of you know that for the past almost four years (again crazy how fast time flies) I have been disciplining teen girls.  This has challenged me and grown me and pushed me so far beyond what I thought possible.  It has been incredibly hard at times, there have been many times that I have been ready to pack up and move back to Canada, not wanting to face another day.  It has been also heart breaking, better said, heart wrenching and also so incredibly filled with joy, laughter and amazing memories.  Through different circumstances (this is where the heart wrenching part comes in) I am down to disciplining three beautiful, young, amazingly strong and resilient young ladies.  And guess what is going to happen at the end of November.  They are going to graduate high school.  This is HUGE, they are the very first ones in their WHOLE FAMILIES to graduate.  They have fought passed people telling them they will never do it, people telling them they couldn’t do it, that they weren’t worth the effort to do it.  The have pushed passed, brothers and dads in and out of prison and involved in drugs.  They have pushed passed sisters involved in prostitution and very, very sick mothers.  They have pushed passed hunger and not having enough money to always get them to school.  They have had soooooo many barriers and yet here they are (I hope I am accurately portraying how amazing, strong and resilient they are).  And on the day of their graduation (Nov 30) I will be there cheering and crying them on ( I think it would be in my best interest to wear no make up that day) and I can tell you that I will be (am) so incredibly proud of them.

What’s next for them you may ask.  Well they all want to do a YWAM (discipleship training school), which is another small miracle.  We are looking into and praying about where and when they will go and we are also thinking of different way we can raise money.  I have a little jar in my truck that when people want to help out with gas money they can just stick it in there.  We also have a jar in the school where people can put spear change.  One of them is going to sell candies on the street (the other two are to embarrassed to do this) and we are going to make wax crayon candles and sell them to.  And hopefully in the next month or so I will go with them to open up a bank account. 

I have also been praying and thinking about what I could do them for a grad present and I would love to take them on a trip or a little weekend away, but still trying to figure out all the little details on this.
Anyways, that’s my in-between.

Remember that camp is only 39 days away and if you want to sponsor a girl to g o to camp (this is one for girls 14-18) go to this website and under projects click on Camp Gozo.
Thanks so much.


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