Quick Update
Just thought I would give you all a quick update as camp is
coming closer (just over a month now) and I also realized that dates have
changed as well.
We have a place rented, the buses are booked, we have all
the speakers and other then a couple male staff, we are all ready to go. However there may be one little
kink. The teachers here were on
strike for two weeks and have just gone back to work, because of this there is
talk of talking away the kids vacation in June and July, which just happens to
be camp time. They are talking of
a couple way of making up for lost time, and this is just one of the ideas and
nothing is certain yet so please be praying that this wouldn’t happen. I think the most miraculous part of
this whole ordeal is that I am not freaking out. This comes as quiet a shock to me and I know that if this
happened last year, I would have had a minor heart attack. But I am completely calm and trust in my
Father completely that He wants these kids to go to camp and everything is
going to turn out just fine (but please keep praying).
We also still need a truck for camp, by June 15th
to be exact. We are about $3500
away from the goal. But again I
trust that my Father will provide, although if I am being honest I still have
freak outs when I think of the money we still need, but I will be still and
know He is God.
Anyways I will keep this short and sweet. In June and July we are hoping to send
125 kids to camp and then another 25 in August. It costs about $100 to send a kid to camp and if you would
like to sponsor one please go to this website https://msccanada.org/give-now.html
and under projects and funds click on Camp Gozo, it’s as easy as that. (If you are from Capilano, I think they
are doing something as well). So
once again I am so grateful and overwhelmed by all your support and encouragement
and stunned by all the people who are behind this project, and just so you
know, each and every one of you are welcome to come to anyone of the camps
whenever you can.
Here are the camps and the dates for this year
June 16-17th Boys 8-10
June 18-19th Girls 8-10
June 22-25th Girls 11-13
June 30-July 2nd Boys 11-13
July 3-5th Boys 14-18
October 6-9th Girls 14-18