I know but…..

Camp was awesome.  We had 25 girls between the ages of 11-13 and it was really good.  I managed to drive my first time ever in Colombia and in Bogota (which is a lot harder then it seems).  We had an amazing staff.  Two of my older teen girls came to help me out and I was so proud of them.  I remember last October they didn’t even want to come to camp and now they can’t get enough.  They were ready and wiling to do anything that I needed help with and they didn’t with cheerful hearts (which a couple of years ago wouldn’t of been the case), and they were so awesome with the girls.  I couldn’t of been prouder then them.
Camp is really close to me heart (I hope that’s obvious), but I just love seeing these girls smiling and laughing.  I love seeming them have pure, innocent fun (something that is so lacking in their lives), I even love seeing them cry, knowing that the walls they have built around their hearts are slowly starting to crumble, that their chains are slowly becoming loosened.  I love seeing them for new friendships; I love seeing them getting lots of love from the staff.  I love hearing them laugh, even when it is at my expense.  I love seeing them putting their all into games and getting so excited when they win.  I love seeing them experiencing true joy and I love seeing God’s vision and dream for Camp Gozo being completed in all the kids that have passed through and I am so thankful and so humbled to be apart of it.
And it’s funny really, almost every camp I worry about finances, I worry about staff, I worry about all the little details.  But every camp, time and time again God has come through.  I know that He is a God that provides, I know that He is a God that wants to lavish His love and joy on His children.  I know that He is a God that wants to see hearts drawn to Him and to see lives changed.  I know Camp Gozo is something that He has had on His heart since the foundation of the earth.  I know that faithful His He who calls me and that He will bring it to pass (1 Thessalonians 5:25), but still I worry and still I doubt.  My God is the perfect father and that He is not going to hold out on His children.  So while God works on all the details of Camp Gozo I will work on trusting Him and resting in Him, resting in who He is, resting in His promises and resting in His faithfulness.  He never is going to change and He never is going to let me down.
There is just one more camp to go this year.  Boys camp (11-13), November 15-17.  If you want to send a boy to camp visit the MSC website and under projects click  Camp Gozo.  All funds go directly to the camp. https://msccanada.org/give-now.html
Please pray for energy for this camp.  It’s the end of the year and I am pretty drained and ready for a break.  Also pray for a partner in crime.  All the camp work is to much to do on my own and I end up exhausted.  I also need to get better at asking for help, but I would love to have someone to work with that is passionate about camp and about the vision of Camp Gozo.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.  I always get tears in my eyes when I think of how supported I am.  So thank you.

My staff really getting into mission impossible

All of us, it felt like there were more

The best I could do at a slip and slide


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