Three Years Later

So once again I have waited way to long in between blog posts, I really don’t understand how so much time goes without writing.  Please feel free to write me and tell me it’s about time to update my blog.
Last week I did have one mostly written ready to send out but I just didn’t feel it and as it turns out today is my 3rd anniversary of being in Colombia so I thought I fitting that I can spend a little time reflecting on this wonderful journey God has brought me on.
Some moments it seems like I have been here WAY longer than three years and in other moments I feel like I just got here a few months ago.
It has been quiet a journey.   It has been three years full of laughter, full of tears and full of memories.  There has been more then once when I have been ready to throw in the towel, pack my bags and go back to Canada.  There have been times where I didn’t think it was possible for another tear to fall from my face.  There have been times where I have felt lonely and other times that I felt so at home here.  Pretty much an emotional roller coaster J
Looking back I can’t believe how much I have learnt.  In praying for my girls and praying that they can know how much their Father loves them, I have learned how much He loves me.  I have learned that when I don’t think that I can carry on, that He gives me the strength to take that next step, the grace and mercy that I need for that moment, for that day and that I don’t have to worry about the grace and mercy I will need for tomorrow.  I have learned to let go, to say good by to kids when they want to live their own life, something that hasn’t been easy.  He has taught me that even in the darkest, most impossible situations, that He is still God and that He doesn’t change.  In the hard and dark times, He is still a God of hope, He is still good, He is still faithful and He still keeps His promises.  I have learned that He is a God of dreams and of the impossible, that He is an extravagant God who loves His children and wants to lavish this love on His children.  (I think this last lesson has been my favorite, well at least the one that has come with less tears and the tears that have been shed have been tears of joy).
Which brings me to my next point.  As some of you know I have been taking rock-climbing lessons.  With the hopes of one day having all the equipment I need and being able to make this apart of my ministry here.  So my instructor offered for me to bring out my kids for a day of rock-climbing and they LOVED IT.  I think the thing that touched me the most was seeing how proud of themselves they were.  On paper these kids don’t have a lot to be proud about, but that day they were proud.  They were proud at how high they went even though they were scared (although some didn’t admit it), they were proud at how strong they were and I was so proud of them.  It was a beautiful day, my eyes full of tears, seeing how happy they were and how much they have grown and how far they have come.
And speaking of camp, it’s that time again.  October 7-10 we are doing a camp for girls 11-13 years old and then one in November for boys 11-15.  So please if you want to send a kids to camp visit this website and under projects click on Camp Gozo Colombia.  Thanks so much for supporting this and really, I really wish that I could capture the joy on these kids’ faces and send it to you guys.  Because of all your generosity, we hare not to far off from the finances we need for this camp in October, don’t let this deter you from giving though because we really want to do endless camps.  Even one days, as I have shared, it to have our own land and the more I pray the more I get excited about it.  It is going to be an adventure camp and I for sure don’t have a shortage of ideas of what we can do.  1st step though it to get a vehicle and I have already started saving and this morning on my bike ride to work I though of a name for the vehicle.  It will be named Nehemiah, one of the verses for the camp is in Nehemiah 8:10 for the joy of the Lord is our strength.
 So thank you once again.  Thank you for being part of this three-year journey, thank you for all your prayers and support and emails of encouragement.  I feel so privileged to have such an amazing army fighting behind me and please keep this next camp in your prayers.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you


Annie said…
You make me smile. Thanks for sharing from your heart. Also, the pictures of your kids way up on the rocks make me scared! Love and miss you.

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