Here We Go

It´s getting closer, in just over a month the first Camp Gozo of 2014 will start.  I am beyond excited, a little freaked out at times but soooo excited.  Things are coming together, still lots to do but things are coming together nicely.
June 17-18 will be boys ages 8-10
June 19-20 will be girls ages 8-10
June 24-27 Teen girls ages 14 and up
That will be a total of 90 kids.  Don´t worry the rest of the age groups will come in October and December.
As I mentioned things are coming together nicely, staff is coming together, the schedule and games and activities are coming together.  The place we rent is coming together.  And I am basically just so thankful that this dream that God has placed on my heart for these children He loves so much is coming together and growing and for the team of people, both here and afar, that are excited about this vision and are becoming apart of it.
What I need from you is prayer, more prayer and then when you think you´ve prayed enough, just a little bit more.
As I said the staff is coming together nicely, I am still in need of a speaker for the younger kids camps, there are some prospects but nothing confirmed.  I also need counselors for the boys camp, I have three and would like at least 4 more, almost half way there.
Of course finances, this is the part that always freaks me out a little, but then I remind myself that God is not cheap, I know this is part if His plan for His children and He is not going to skimp out of them.  I remind myself that He who calls us will also bring it to pass (1 Thes 5:25), that He who promised is faithful (Heb 10:23) and then I remind myself to walk by faith not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) and that my faith would rest on the power of God and not the wisdom of men (basically my own wisdom) (1 Cor 2:25).  So if you would like to be part of Camp Gozo and part of changing a child’s life and part of giving a child an experience that they would never have the opportunity for.  Only $100 per child, but whatever amount helps .
Also as some of you know one of the girls (Esperanza) who came to the camp in October tried to commit suicide over a month ago.  After I wrote about her I was given the news that 80% of her brain is dead and the 20% that she has working isn´t working to its full capacity.  I was told that she will never talk, never eat, never walk and never be able to let others know when she has to go to the bathroom.  I was disheartened to say the least, but guess what.  She can say a few words, she can eat soft food, she can walk with help and she signals when she has to go to the bathroom and the nurses take her, NO MORE DIAPERS.  So please pray for continued recovery and that she will be able to come to camp in June, that would just be the most awesome thing ever.
Love you guys, love your support and prayers and encouragement.
SIDE NOTE:  Thank you so much for those who have been supporting me financially, I am now set up with MSC which is a mission organization through them can receive a tax donation , and they don´t take any administration fees.  To donate through them you can go to, they have also set up an account for Camp Gozo under projects and you can donate to the camp through them as well.
Thanks again for everything.



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