Words cannot even begin to describe the four days we
had. 28 little hearts and lives
were beyond blessed. The weather
was perfect, only rained once at night when were sleeping and then for about
half hour before we left to go back.
The staff was awesome and we all worked so well together, I couldn’t of
asked for a better team. Really, I
am sitting here trying to think of words to describe how amazing this week
was. I really wish I could capture
the joy and laughter and smiles on these girls faces while they were playing
the games, eating the food, enjoying the pool and getting endless hugs. Prayers were for sure answered as we
had no behavior problems, no unity problems; the cabins were awesome and worked
so well together. New friends were
made and it just brought me so much joy to see girls from different
neighborhoods hanging out together.
We definitely had a shield around us as well, with the weather and on
Thursday as we were leaving a the guerillas set off a bomb in a town between
Bogota and where we were and apparently there were two more set to go off, we
were made aware of this and gathered the staff together to pray, we didn’t tell
the girls and as we drove through, we didn’t have any problems.
Again I wish I could describe the week. On the first night we had a spa night,
this was just after the girls learned a little bit on forgiveness. I was washing a girls feet and she said
that she was just blown away by God’s forgiveness. The testimonies just don’t stop, hearts were given to Jesus,
girls learned that there is just so much to life and that they can dream and
that those dreams can come true. I
was just chatting with one of Facebook and she told me that she has a whole new
way of thinking. None of them wanted
to go home and were all asking when are we going to do this again.
When it was time to leave we heard comments like, “I don’t
want to go back to all the yelling”, “I am going to miss all the hugs”, “I
don’t want to do back to my step father”, “I’m really sad to go home because I
know that no one is going to be happy to see me”, I was also told that on the
last night when this little girl prayed, she prayed that at least one person
will be happy to see her.
Our Heavenly Father wanted each and every one of these
little lives there and He really touched their hearts and I am so thankful that
we have people who have continued contact with these girls and that are so
committed and invested in their lives.
I am so thankful for each and everyone one of you who gave
and who prayed, I can’t wait for you guys someday to see the impact and the
fingerprints you left on these .girls hearts. So thank you, thank you, thank you