Eye for an Eye

Some not so good news, but news that is in need of prayer.  Hopefully you guys remember Laura, the 15 year old girl who went to live with her boyfriend.  Her sister told me today that she is pregnant, which unfortunately, we were expecting sooner or later as she was not using any form of protection.  So far I am the only one on staff that know this.  Her sister asked me not to tell anyone, I told her that others need to know, especially those in leadership positions.  She is not ready to tell other yet but made a deal that on Thursday we would sit down and talk to someone.  I don’t really know what this means or what role we will have in this little gifts life but prayer is needed, in every aspect for this little baby, so please please pray.
Also some of you might know this as well as I sent out an email but a little boy, 6 years old, that we work with in Cazuca was hit by a bus on Saturday afternoon and he was killed.  I have found that there is such a vengeful spirit among the people we work with, we see it all the time and it’s a vicious cycle that only gets worse and worse.  There were many people who witnessed that accident and now they want to kill the bus driver and from there the cycle continues.  The little boys parents are christians and I pray that they can be a testimony to those around and hopefully, in the midst of their tragedy, they can forgive the bus driver and when the others see that, the life of the bus driver can be spared.  I am hoping that also this will give Mary, who lives in Cazuca more opportunity to speak into people’s lives.  Tragedy’s like this can never be understood or even explained.  I am just thankful that we have a God, who somehow, often in ways we can’t see can make beauty out of this, he turns ashes into beauty and I have faith that beauty will come out of this tragedy.  Well Satan meant it for evil, God will use it for good.  Please keep this family and the bus driver in your prayers.
On another note, I will probably be writing again next week to share a little dream that God has placed on my heart that is finally starting to come to reality.  Some of you know but I look forward to sharing it with the rest of you.
Thanks again for your prayers


Annie said…
Oh Ingie, my heart hurts. :( Praying.

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