Life of Ingie as of late

What has been happening in the life of Ingie you may ask, I would tell you that is a good question.  I can believe where the time has gone.  It’s already the middle of May and in a month we will already be half done the school year.  CRAZY. 
While the girls I work with have a lot going on in their lives and while at time it seems overwhelming I am very blessed to be working with them.  Such a difference from last year when everything seemed to be a fight, this year it feels like real work can be done know that a relationship has been formed and trust has been built.
We have also split up the girls and have been doing smaller group discipleship with them, which has been good.  My girls have been honest and open and have some hard questions and have shared their doubts, which have been awesome that they are willing to be so honest, but please pray for me and for wisdom as I attempt to answer their questions. 
There are two girls that are still on my heart and really need your prayers.  One is Deisy, her mom continues to worsen and this continues to weigh on her.  While she is much more open this year then she was last year but she told me she doesn’t like talking about her mom, she also told me that she doesn’t talk to anyone about it.  She continues to miss school to take her mom to appointments as well.
And then there is Laura.  Her boyfriend left their room and now has his own room, which we just found out is in the same house.  But about a month ago Laura left and when to live with him.  She is now back at home but spends random nights with him.  They are sleeping together and not using any protection.  She has been talked to about this but doesn’t really make any changes.  Part of the work we are doing her in Colombia is trying to break the cycles of sin these families get caught up in.  The cycle of having 12 kids and living in one room and living day to day, the cycle of alcoholism and drugs and my fear is that Laura is going to end up like her mom, end up pregnant, unable to finish school and then have one pregnancy after the other.  So please, please keep her in your prayers and us as a team as we work with her and her family.
And what is new with me…. Well I am on the hunt for new apartment.  When I moved into the place that I am in now I knew that it was only going to be temporary and it has been a year and a half.  Its also not really a home, it wasn’t really made or designed for someone to live in and there are little things about this place that drives me crazy.  I think more then anything however, since my plan is to make Colombia my home, I need a place that feels like a home and that feels like my place and I just need to feel settled.  So the hunt has begun.  It is a little tricky however, finding a place where I don’t have to have someone sign for me that owns property, or finding somewhere what isn’t crazy expensive but still in a good neighborhood.  Also here when you move you need your own stove, fridge, washing machine and everything.  When talking to a Colombian about this is said to me if the places came with that people would just take them, my reply was, if everywhere came with them you wouldn’t need to take them.  Anyways I do have a fridge and a small camping stove but looking into getting a real stove with an oven when I find a place, while I love camping, I think having a real stove will make me feel more homey and make me even feel like a big girl.  But I would appreciate prayers on this as well as it is a little tricky to find a place.
And once again a huge thanks for all the prayers and encouragement and support.  The encouraging emails ALWAYS come just at the right time, its quiet amazing actually.  And just know that you all are apart of the difference being made in these kids lives.

Me, another girl I work with with a few of the girls I love so much.


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