Sometime life is a curve ball

What has been up with my life you may have ask.  Well it has been pretty crazy and kind of a whirlwind.  As some you may know my mom went in for a hysterectomy and once the operation was over they found cancer in her fallopian tubes.  It was pretty hard being away from my mom in this time, especially since she is so supportive and has always been there for me and when she needed me most here I was in Colombia.  God is good though, I went home for three weeks in July and August to spend time with my mom, and even better news is the CT Scan results showed that when they did the hysterectomy they got out all the cancer. Dr. Schpensky said there is no cancer, but Mom is doing chemo just for prevention sake.  And those of you who know my mom know that she is handling it in true Esther fashion and is so positive,  She is so strong and after three chemo treatments has not even gotten sick.  My mom is so strong.

I got back in August and it has been busy busy busy.  Work is going well and my relationship with the continuing ed kids continues to grow.  Sometimes I find myself discouraged or frustrated and how long these relationships are taking to form but I have to remind myself that they survive off of building walls around their hearts and keeping people out and unfortunately these walls take a lot longer to penetrate then they do to build.  Me and some of the other female teachers just had a tea party with some of the younger school kids and then in October, with my main group we will be doing a candlelight supper.  I will also be taking some of them rock climbing in October.  Its moments like these where relationships are built and so I am thankful for them.  The girls that I work with have been heavy on my heart so please keep them in your prayers.  They have the weight of the world on their shoulders and everything working against them, and really could use the prayers.  One of them has started to really open up and ask some tough questions, which I am so thankful for.  I am also thankful that God continues to give me continued peace about being here and a passion for these kids and to see their lives changed. 

Thanks again for all your support and prayers, I feel like I have a huge army behind me fighting right along with me. So thank you.


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