New Year

It has been to long, way to long and for that I am sorry.
I had and an absolutely amazing time with my family in Switzerland and feel so incredible blessed that I got to spend time with them, just hanging out with my niece and nephew was pretty special, they are stinkin' cute.  I also went snowboarding in the Alps and snowshoeing, which was AMAZING ate fondu and a lot of chocolate.  Leave to Colombians honesty, when I got back I was told that I got fat in Switzerland.  Anyways it was a really really special time.  I have a darn good family.
Another thing I am thankful for is that I have internet in my house (another Colombian honesty thing, when the computer guy met me face to face he said "I'm surprised your so young, you sounded like an old lady on the phone.)  So that also means more frequent blog posts….
Anyways another year has started so I will give you guys a little glimpse of of what a typical week looks like.
Mondays: team meeting
Tuesdays : teach Christian life class to 5-6 year olds, one little girl told me today that she wants to pray to Jesus but doesn't know how, it was pretty sweet.  I am also working with that class and another group of 7-10 year old, teaching them about empathy and how to express feelings.  The kids I work with like to express their feelings with their fists.  Also there is a new boy Brayan, he is ten and he was trying to steal some stickers today, this was after I took away the chips he was eating in class.  It has also been made known to me that this boy has a problem with stealing.  So I told him that taking things without permission is like stealing.  He told me, you took my chips without permission so you stole from he, he said this with a big smile on his face and then said "I'm just saying".
Tuesday afternoon I will be working with continuing education, a group of 12 teenagers who used to be in the school that  I work in but have moved on and still need extra support both academically and spiritually and a lot of them just need someone to listen to them.  On Tuesdays we will be working on a book that goes over different Characters of Jesus.
Wednesday:  The mornings are my planning day and translating day as most of the resources I am using are in English.  Then in the afternoon I will just be having a girls group of the continuing education kids and just really focus on building relationships and who their Father says they are instead of what the world says and what they believe they are worth.
Thursday:  More classes that focus on feelings and also team building classes, then in the afternoon I will be with continuing education again, just doing games and fun activities.
Fridays: I go to the neighbourhood called Cazuca, which is one of the poorest and most dangerous neighbourhoods in Bogota, to work with a lady from Australia named Mary.  (All these pictures are from kids up there.)  On Fridays the kids come in just to play.  They can colour, do puzzles, play board games, play with blocks.  For a lot of them this was the first time they ever did a puzzle or played a board game.
One Thursday morning a month I will be helping with a parent group we have for the parents of the kids we work with at the school.
Every second Saturday I help Mary as well for the Bible Club she has for her kids.  Between four groups of kids we see about 120 kids each Saturday.
One Sunday a month I will be going to a parent visit we have for kids that are in 24 hour care and doing a short activity that encourages parents to interact with their children.  Some of the parents only see their kids once a month and they would rather spend it talking to other parents then with their children.
Anyways thats my life in Colombia in a nut shell.  I am super excited about all the work there is to do and have already fallen in love with the beautiful children I work with, even though they are CRAZY.  I went through this little period (even still comes back to haunt me a little bit), of I'm I really cut out to do the work that lays ahead, do I have the skills I need and am I worth it.  I know its going to be a tough task but I also know that God has called me here and that He is going to be my strength and give me everything I need to do His work.  I am really really really excited to see what God has in store this year and be apart of the work that He is going to do in my heart and in the hearts of His precious.  You guys should check out the website of who I work with, just to get a better I idea of what we do.  Also my staff profile is pretty funny.
Thanks again for your prayers and support, even when I have been so bad at keeping in contact and I promise my blogs wont be so few and far between.
In Him


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