First post from Colombia

So it’s true I am writing from Colombia. I can’t believe how fast the time went and that I am sitting where I sat two years ago. I never thought the time would come but it did. Most of the time it felt like I never left but then other times, it feels surreal and that it was forever ago that I was here.

It was a little hard to leave home, as no one really loves good byes. I blame leaving on my friends and family for being awesome. If you guys weren’t so awesome it wouldn’t have been soo hard to leave. So thank you sooooooo much for all your support, love and prayers and I definitely wouldn’t be back here if it wasn’t for you so thank you for playing your part in my journey. And keep the prayers coming because they are always, always needed.

Thanks also to Lori who helped me pack. I was quiet overwhelmed when I looked at the disorganized mess of things to pack on my floor wondering how everything is going to fit… and it all did. There was a little rearranging of weight that had to be done at the airport but the air Canada lady was super nice and turned her head when I was a couple pounds over. The flight was good and I managed to sleep a bit and my luggage made it safely, which was a nice blessing, and going through customs was not a problem at all.

Two good friends met me at the airport and it was so nice to see them and after over a year of not seeing each other we picked up where we left off. We had a sleepover and were up to the wee hours of the night catching up. (Well really only till midnight but when your 30 and your day starts early, that’s very late).

The school doesn’t open till next week so there were no kids there today when I went by but I went to the house where two of them lived. I just loved standing outside their apartment building yelling out their names. Another guy stuck his head out his fourth floor window wonder that we were looking for. We told him and then he sends somebody to get them. I just loved it. The one girl Samaris stuck her head out the window and when she saw me she got a big surprised smile on her face and came running down. Both her and her sister seem to be doing well, however I look around the neighborhood they live in and the influences in their life and does make me sad a little but also reassured that I am where I am suppose to be.

So that’s it. I am here and it feels awesome to be back. I am excited to go to Peru and see what God is going to teach me and I am so excited to come back here after my training school and start my journey.

Thanks again for all your love, support and prayers



Unknown said…
I am going to read all of blog posts (or at least try to)

-Jesse N.
Unknown said…
lovely to hear your news Ingie.... a little jealous maybe :) enjoy! Love you loads, Ester

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