
It was soo good to be back in Colombia. It was soo good to see all my friends and it was also really encouraging to have peace that Colombia is where I am suppose to be.

There was some hard news while I was there with some of the families that we have worked with or are working with and there is also just this darkness in the area we work in that is soo hard to describe.

The one family of the two girls that I talked about in my last post. I found out that they are going to be kicked out if their house as it is being condemned. They are a family of soon to be 12 children has there mother is pregnant with another set of twins and there is nowhere for them to go.

Also one little girl of 6 years old, who spends a lot of time in our 24 hour care program, her uncle was brutally murdered not to long ago. The two directors of Formando vidas, the agency I am with. Went with her to the funeral. Funerals for people who don’t know Jesus in Colombia, I guess can be a little rough. I guess her grandma, who she stays with, when she is not staying with us. Was throwing herself on the coffin saying take me with you take me with you. Which is pretty normal as well as a lot of crying and wailing and fainting. I am so thankful that the directors where there to support this little girls that is so full of joy, despite the tough life she has seen for being only 6 yrs old.

Also there were two boy whose mom was working with Formando Vida, before I ever came. While she was working with FV, she decided to go back to the life she left. She soon hooked up with a male, who was very, very abusive to her and the boys. Her partner finally gave her the ultimatum to choose him or the boys as they were causing trouble for him. She ended up choosing her partner. She told her boys on Monday morning that she was going to work and that when she got home she expected them to be gone. They had a little money, begged for a little more, took the bus and showed up at our administration building Monday morning. We have them in our care right now, but as a team we are trying to figure out what would be the best SOLUTION for these boys as we don’t just want to put a band-aid on the situation. Well I won’t be part of the decision as I am sitting in the Lima airport right now waiting for my flight to Iquitos but they will for sure be in my prayers.

As I mentioned before there is a lot of darkness in the area we work and the situations that surround our kids. But I am soo thankful that we have a light there and that other ministries are shinning there light there to. I am thankful for the joy in theses kids life despite darkness around them. I am soo thankful that I can do to a school in DTS to strengthen my relationship with God and that I can go back to Colombia and that I can be involved in HIS work in these kids life, and that I myself can hopefully shine His light and bring his Joy into these kids life.

Thanks for reading and praying and I will keep you updated about what I am learning in my school. I will only have internet cafes for the next six months so blog updates and email responses might be a little slower coming but please keep the prayers coming as they are so essential and I will do my best to keep you as updated as possible.

Thanks again



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