Because I didn't have a gun

So I think after this there will be one more post and thats it folks, then my journey in Colombia is over (well for now at least).......

So I have still been going up to Cazuca and its always a blessing being there, although it makes for a very long day. About a month ago I went with Mary and some of her kids to this dentist ministry that the english church here in Bogota. Its soo good for the kids cause a lot of them have never been to the dentist and its free for them. They also have tons of activities for the kids to do and they have a blast. They also have a hair dresser there that cuts there hair. One little 3 year old girl got her hair cut and it was her first time. She was so scared that it was going to hurt that she had these big alligator tears coming down her cheeks.

So now comes the story about the title. So most of our school kids come from this neighbourhood up on a mountain and when we pick them up for school we always pick them up that the bottom of the little moutain so I never actually was in their neighbourhood. I had always wanted to go to see what it was like and to maybe give me a better understanding of where our kids were coming from. Anyways on Sunday I had the opportunity and it was good. It was pretty poor and very unsafe. I was not even aloud to cross the street by myself. Gangs are pretty prevalent in the neighbourhood. There was one group of teenager, obviously high and talking about drugs... it made me a little sad that this is what our kids have to look up to, these are there role models. There were also young young kids running around the streets by themselves with no supervision. There was one little boy about 4 years old, who is actually a little borther to one of the boys in our school, he walks around like he is a gang memember, for real. Anyways he had a rock in his hand and I asked him why he had a rock and he responded "cause I don't have a gun", I didn't even know what to say. It was really an eye opening experience and my prayer is that God just protects these kids from the life that awaits them and that he just blinds them to what is going on around them and that they can just raise above the cycles that there familes are caught in.....

On a more happy note, as some of you know and that some of you pitched in to help, we took our school kids to this adventure survivor camp. There are no words to describe how wonderfully awesome it was. The kids had a blast and are still talking about it. They were pushed and they were challenged and they had a blast. I was sooooooooo proud of them, working together, working as a team, encouraging each other and we even played some agressive games and the kids played them without beating each other up. It was amazing, I really whish you guys could even have a glimps of how awesome it was and what it meant to the kids.

Anyways thats it thats all..... time is coming to an end and I will right in my next one how I feel about that.

Thanks yet again for all your prayers
Lots and lots of blessings


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