Here she be

Well let’s see where did I leave off……

So it has been a little bit of a crazy few months. About two months ago I was hanging out with a couple of the kids and one of them said to me that her neighbor died last night, and I was like how, her reply to me was “her drunk husband shot her in the head”. Then about a week later a 20 year old girl who the ministry supports, her brother got shot in the head. Some of you know this has I asked prayer for him, what happened with him is still unclear as most of the people he was with were high and although he is back home and doing better then expected he still has not recovered his speech, so he is unable to tell what happened. It still amazes me what is normal everyday life for these kids. When the little 11 year old told me about her neighbor, it was as if she was telling me that she had empanadas for supper……..

So in the midst of all this I had the awesome opportunity to hand out Samaritan purse presents. It was awesome and for those of you who make up the shoe boxes, they do bring incredible amounts of joy into kids lives. Well there was soo much joy that day, my heart was also saddened. When the time was over some of the kids parents were coming to pick them up and one of the girls dad showed up soo incredibly drunk and it was only 230pm. He couldn’t even walk and he could hardly talk. It broke my heart watching her walk away with him and again this is just everyday life for her. My prayer for all these kids is that they know that this isn’t normal and that there is soo much more out there for them. That especially for the young girls that they grow up knowing that they deserve respect from boys and not to be treated like crap and that they know just how incredibly beautiful they are in God’s eyes.

Also please keep Mary in your prayers. About a month go she has a group of Colombian youth doing dramas for her kids club when three armed men (armed with guns) came in, in the middle of the kids club, and took all the youths cell phones. She is doing great work up in Cazuca but she does need continue prayer as the area is not safe at all.

On a more positive note it is such a blessing to se the changes in some of these kids hearts. There is one little boy, who when I first came, would shake off my hand if I put it on his shoulder. And slowly by slowly I could put my arm around him and then he would let me give him a hug, even though he didn’t return it, now he will run up to me and give me a great bug hug. It is soo nice to see that these walls of stones that these kids, as young as 6, have put up around there heart, slowly come crumbling down. It makes it a little harder to leave in less then two months, cause you work so hard, for some almost a year, to win their trust and to start to break through their walls, only to leave two months later.

Well that’s my life these past couple months, I will post pictures tomorrow maybe as I don’t have my pictures with me and will blog one more time before I leave.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support,
Love Ingie


Lori West said…
Thanks for blogging. I very well know how hard it can be to find the time to do it,but everyone loves it when we do! Luv ya!

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