Yet another blog

Once again it has been way too long (why do all my blogs seem to start that way???????).
Well at then end of July I had yet another visitor, my friend Allison came down for a week and we had a blast. We went away for a weekend to like the adventure capital of Colombia and in one weekend went caving, white water rafting, paragliding and rappelling down a waterfall. It was soo much fun. It always such a blessing getting visitors and having them see what I am doing down here cause when I come home and talk about Colombia you have people who actually know what your talking about. It’s a little hard to explain but those of you who have been away from home know what I am talking about.

So after Allison left we had two weeks of recreation where we just did basically fun things with the kids. We had a carnival day and we went to this part that had all this cool equipment for them to play on, it was pretty awesome. But the one that they liked the best was going to the zoo. A lot of these kids have never been outside of the city before and just to be in the bus with them and have them soo excitedly pointing out stuff brought soo much joy to my heart. We also had to take some of the kids in the car cause there was too many for the bus and on the way back to Bogotá I rode in a car with some of the kids and it was the first time in a car for all the kids that I was with. I was in the backseat and the windows were rolled down and the driver of the car kept putting up one of the kids windows and he was soo amazed and had no idea how it was happening cause he wasn’t touching anything. I told him it was a ghost. It gave me a good laugh how shocked he was every time that it happened. Being part of the two weeks of recreation with the kids was such a blessing, just seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing still talking about it… it makes me smile a little

As some of you already know I had a bit of excitement about a month ago. A friend and me were in another city about two hours away and it had a river, so we decided that we wanted to go and see it and maybe go for a swim. So were walking to the river and right before the bridge there were a lot of taxi’s lined up and one of the drivers asked us if we were going to cross the bridge cause it was dangerous on the other side, and we said no cause we had no intensions of crossing the river. We kept walking and the same driver told us it was dangerous down by the river to. We thanked him for the information and kept on walking. We got to the bridge and on side of it looked a little dangerous but the other side looked soo peaceful. We decided to go down despite the cab drivers advice cause you get used to hearing how everything is soo dangerous and Colombia has a little bit of a machoism thing going on and because we are girls we are helpless and defenceless and since nothing has happened before we though we would be okay. As soon as we get down by the river six teenagers (one was between 10-12) came out of nowhere. My back was kind turned to them and all the sudden I hear like a stampede so my heart raced a little bit and then I saw that they were teenagers so I relaxed a little and was going to tell them they scared me, and then I saw there knives and I got scared all over. They took everything. My sunglasses off my head, the watch off my wrist. I lost my I-pod, my bank cards and my bathing suit (remember we were thinking of going swimming). Then just like that they were gone. We went back up to the bridge and there were two police men there and we told them what happened and showed pointed out the kids as they were running away and the policemen didn’t do anything. It was an area that there were probably eve afraid to go in. But they called us a police van that took us back to our hotel and good thing my friend left some money behind to get us home.

So yeah it was pretty scary and now I am on edge a little bit more, get scared more easily and always watching my back now. It also made me think of the kids in the school as that’s the life that a lot of them or used to and a lot of their siblings are into robbing and stealing from people. But it was a blessing that they didn’t hurt us, there were probably as gentle as robbers could be and it makes for a good story and hopefully a more interesting blog!!!!!!!!!!!!

But a couple weeks before that I was feeling a little bit discouraged with things and that I am not doing what I was suppose to be doing down here and just a bunch of other little stuff and then getting robbed on top of that. I had about three days of crying, getting it all out and then I had some really good times with God. So needless to say things are better and I am really enjoying my time down here and learning a lot which is always a good thing and I can’t believe that in four months I will be home…. Time as gone soo fast.

So thanks once again for all the prayers and support, there is no way I would of made it this far without them.

Lost of love and blessing,
p.s totally posted the same picture twice by accident


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