In Colombia

First off my apologies for it being such a long time between blogs. I am obviously in Colombia now and everything went fairly smoothly. The Thursday before I left I went down to the embassy with my teacher who was awesome and they told me everything was ready I just had to pay, leave them my passport and then pick up my visa on Friday and thats what I did. YAY the beginning of that week I was praying to get my visa or if not at least have an answer wether or not to change my ticket by Wednesday. I called the embassy on Wednesday and asked them if I would have to change my ticked and they said no, that everything would be good to go, thats a pretty direct answer but still I had my doubts, after all this time when God has been so faithful and the to get a direct answer like that, only to doubt him again.....I just don't learn. But I am soo thankful for all the prayers and for God being God and being sooo faithful. So I flew to Colombia on February first and have been here since. Last week was a little hard because I was missing my friends and my host family in Ecuador, I was feeling discouraged at my Spanish level, I didn't have internet (hence no blog updates) and the programs haven't started up yet so I didn't even get to hang out with any of the kids. I am glad to say that this week has been so much better. I have been checking out the school that they have for the kids that don't function well in a normal school setting, either because of behaivors or learning difficulty. It have been challenging, as every day I have to break up at least one fight, but I am falling in love with the kids already and God has just really given me a peace about the language and that His love know no language barriers and that a hug says far more then a thousand words could ever say. They also played with the parachute the other day and loved brought soo much joy to my heart to hear their laughter, I unfortunatly forgot my camera so next time I will take pictures and post them for you guys. Soo yeah things are good, I am in orientation for a couple more weeks and then will start getting to the nitty gritty and now that I have wireless set up I will be able to keep you posted more regularly. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.
Love Ingie


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