Well I am both happy and blessed to say that this past week, as been much better then last week. God has been so faithful in answering prayers. I finally have a friend, a girl named Akemi from Japan, we get along well and when we are not out gallivanting we watch movies on my laptop. There are also two girls from the States who are fun as well. On Thursday nights the school offers Salsa lessons and we all took part and when they were over we went out and practiced our new moves, it was a lot of fun. Then Saturday and Sunday Akemi and I went to a volcano called Cotopaxi, it was soo beautiful, and there was snow, which actually made me happy.

So technically I am suppose to be in Cuenca this week, but because I don’t have my visa yet I am sticking around. I am totally okay with that because I have met people and I feel pretty settled here. This week though I will have a new teacher, which is also an answer to prayers, she is part of the reason why it was so difficult my first week and we just weren’t connecting and she would often make me feel really bad for forgetting things that she had taught me. I was praying about whether or not I should ask for a new teacher and it turns out she is on holidays this week so I didn’t have to ask, just another example of God’s faithfulness. Anyways I will leave you with some pictures of my life here these past two weeks. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, keep them coming cause they really are making a difference.

Love Ingie


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