Keepin it real in Quito

Yo Yo Yo
So I have arrived and I made it safe, other then my luggages coming the next day. I was delayed in Edmonton and Toronto so when I got to Colombia they rushed me and a few other passengers to the flight for Quito. I am staying with a family, in my house there is Mami, who is the grandma, Mampi, her daughter and Joanna the niece, she is about 17 years old. There is also another student from London named Bhavin and a Japenese girl just came yesterday...she is super cool.
So if I am to be honest the first week was quiet hard. Language school was quiet overwhelming and I hadnt met anyone yet so I was feeling quiet lonely and missing all of you guys. I let the tears slip a couple times but that is just part if the experience. My teacher tells me that the first week is always the hardest and that in a month I will be speaking Spanish....that brings me some comfort.
On a happier note I have been hanging around Quito and that has been cool. Climed up to the top of the Basillicas church tower and then caught a gondola up a mountain to 4100 meters above sea level, that was super cool and I spent Saturday and Sunday in a town called Mindo which is in the cloud forest. Its this cute little town in the jungle and I stayed in a cute hostel and then Sunday I went zip linning though the jungle. They had 13 lines, the longest one was 400 meters and the highest one was 3000 feet, it was super cool. I was going to rapel down a water fall but it was rainning and cold, so that will have to wait to another time.
Anyways...I should be applying for my Visa tomorrow so if you guys want to pray for that and for my Spanish to come that would be very much appreciated.
Love ya all so much,


Lori West said…
Glad to see you got a little something on here. Sounds like quite the day you had zipping around like Tarzan! Jealous! THough I don't know if I would have had the guts to go anyway!Glad you do theses crazy things so I can live vicariously through you!
Anyway, love ya tons and look forward to hearing more of what adventures I know you will have!
Unknown said…
HI, Bible School kids from Camrose are in a town called Shell. If you want to know the missionary's name just ask and I can get it off of their blog.
Mama Judite
Tina K said…
Yeah Ingie,

I didn't realize I need a google account to talk to you... Now I have one. Sounds like your having alot of fun and I was happy to hear you arrived safe. Miss ya lots at work, sure don't laugh as much when your not there.
Hope you have a great time.
I'll keep in touch!!!
Jeanine H said…
Hi Ingie!!

So glad to hear from you. You are constantly in our prayers and we are so proud of you for being so strong! We wouldn't of expected anything less from you ziplining in your first few weeks at your destination! Hopefully soon you can rapel that waterfall.

Being submersed in a culture will help you learn the language quite quickly. I learned that from my exchange student from Japan. So don't worry, God will take care of you. Remember you learned some stuff quickly in Haiti too!

We miss and love you!
B & J

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