
Showing posts from January, 2009
This is what I was suppose to go down Me getting ready to go Snowball had more then one use His name was Snowball His name was Fluffy

Three weeks down...

So my time is coming to an end here in least I hope, I'm still waiting to hear from the embassy, but they told me that I won't have to change my ticket and that everything will be ready to go before I leave, which is on Sunday, but I am still praying and keeping my fingers crossed. It won't be the end of the world if I have to stay a little longer cause I have made friends with cool people and we have a lot of fun. This week we have had some adventures. As a school trip we went to this town that specializes in Guinnea pig and we ate some, thats right, I ate Guinnea first I didn't mind it, it was quite salty, but after a few bites I started to gag and dry heave, which to those of you know me well is not a shock, and that was the end of the guinnea pig for me. Then on Saturday me and Amber (a girl from the States), went back to Mindo because I really wanted to go rapelling down a water fall, and we did and it was sooo much fun, we took this craz
The Volcano Cotopaxi The snowman I built on the valcano This is me ziplining threw the cloud forest
Well I am both happy and blessed to say that this past week, as been much better then last week. God has been so faithful in answering prayers. I finally have a friend, a girl named Akemi from Japan, we get along well and when we are not out gallivanting we watch movies on my laptop. There are also two girls from the States who are fun as well. On Thursday nights the school offers Salsa lessons and we all took part and when they were over we went out and practiced our new moves, it was a lot of fun. Then Saturday and Sunday Akemi and I went to a volcano called Cotopaxi, it was soo beautiful, and there was snow, which actually made me happy. So technically I am suppose to be in Cuenca this week, but because I don’t have my visa yet I am sticking around. I am totally okay with that because I have met people and I feel pretty settled here. This week though I will have a new teacher, which is also an answer to prayers, she is part of the reason why it was so difficult my first week

Keepin it real in Quito

Yo Yo Yo So I have arrived and I made it safe, other then my luggages coming the next day. I was delayed in Edmonton and Toronto so when I got to Colombia they rushed me and a few other passengers to the flight for Quito. I am staying with a family, in my house there is Mami, who is the grandma, Mampi, her daughter and Joanna the niece, she is about 17 years old. There is also another student from London named Bhavin and a Japenese girl just came yesterday...she is super cool. So if I am to be honest the first week was quiet hard. Language school was quiet overwhelming and I hadnt met anyone yet so I was feeling quiet lonely and missing all of you guys. I let the tears slip a couple times but that is just part if the experience. My teacher tells me that the first week is always the hardest and that in a month I will be speaking Spanish....that brings me some comfort. On a happier note I have been hanging around Quito and that has been cool. Climed up to the top of the Basillica