Three weeks down...

So my time is coming to an end here in least I hope, I'm still waiting to hear from the embassy, but they told me that I won't have to change my ticket and that everything will be ready to go before I leave, which is on Sunday, but I am still praying and keeping my fingers crossed. It won't be the end of the world if I have to stay a little longer cause I have made friends with cool people and we have a lot of fun. This week we have had some adventures. As a school trip we went to this town that specializes in Guinnea pig and we ate some, thats right, I ate Guinnea first I didn't mind it, it was quite salty, but after a few bites I started to gag and dry heave, which to those of you know me well is not a shock, and that was the end of the guinnea pig for me. Then on Saturday me and Amber (a girl from the States), went back to Mindo because I really wanted to go rapelling down a water fall, and we did and it was sooo much fun, we took this crazy hike to get to the waterfall and then we went was awesome. Then Saturday night four other girls joined us and we went ziplinning again. It was much more fun with six of us then when I went with my lonesome. So if all goes according to plan this is my last week here and writing you from Ecuador, hopefully my next post will be from here is some pictures of our last week adventures....


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