These Times they be Crazy

Wow, who would of ever thought, like really.  I am sure each of you have your own story of how crazy things are in your part of the world. 
Here things never cease to be crazy but in a different way.  I had planned to move back to Canada on April 18th, but with everything going on I was told that it would be best to come back as soon as possible.  So on Sunday the 15th I booked a ticket to leave on the 21st.  And oh man what my life just got crazy.  That week I had one on one's booked up to be able to say good bye to my peeps here but had to cancel them all and crazy pack my life for the last 10 years in two suit cases, sell the truck, get my house in order and all the paperwork I need to bring my dog back (yes for those of you who don't know I am bringing a dog back with me and leave).  While I know it's my time to leave Colombia, once that ticket was booked for Saturday, oh how I cried and cried.  Know that this was it, my time has come.  Some goodbyes were said, in person and over whatsapp.  One of my friends literally packed my bags for me, another friend stood in line at a bank to pay my final bills for me and did lot's of other administrative errands for me... and while it was crazy, I was ready...
Just to get an email yesterday saying my flight was cancelled and rumor had it that Colombia wasn't allowing anymore incoming our outgoing flights until the end of May....
So crazy....I have another ticket booked for the 26th of March, with not much hope that I will actually fly out, my bags are still packed and I am ready to go, well maybe not emotionally.
But the truth of it is I might be here longer then planned, longer then the 26th, longer then April 18th, really I don't know.  And the truth of it is, while it's been an emotional roller coaster saying goodbyes before I thought I had to, now taking some of those goodbyes back, without really knowing when I am leaving, the truth is I am safe.  The truth is I am not stranded.  I am at my home, with my dogs, with my own bed, with everything I need.  I am safe up here at the farm, I have good neighbours so I am not lonely and I am safe. 
I can only imagine the uncertantity we all feel, the worries and maybe even the fears, and all those emotions and more I have felt of these past couple of days, but in these times I am so glad that I serve a God that doesn't change, I am thankful that I am serving a God who know, and while this is crazy to us, it isn't crazy for God, it hasn't taken Him by surprise, it isn't out of His control.  He is STILL FAITHFUL, He is STILL GOOD and that will never change.
So in these time of uncertainity, let's keep praying, praying for this world, praying for the people that are sick, praying for each other.  Let's let this bring us closer together, to form greater community and above all esle may it bring it ever closer to Him, because in Him is the best place to be.
As for me, I will wait to see what the 26th brings, if I can't fly out then, I will wait to see what April 18th brings, and if I can't fly out then, well I will just wait and as one of my life verses says, I will be still and KNOW THAT HE IS GOD....always and forever.
And please if any of you readers are experiencing fear or anxiety please send me an email or message and I would love to lift you up in prayer.
Love you guys, and all thought I have no idea when it will be, I look forward to seeing you all.


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