New Adventure Starts Now, well actually it starts tomorrow...

Here we go on another adventure, tomorrow (if I get this blog written and posted today), I leave to go to New Zealand……So I thought I would just take a couple minutes to update you all on what is happening in the next phase of my journey…

I came back to Canada mid December and it was so nice to catch up with a few of you and those that I haven’t seen, do not fear I am just gone for a few short months and then I will be back.

So as I mentioned I leave tomorrow for New Zealand, and I am SUPER pumped… this is a dream come true, it has been on my bucket list for awhile now.  I will spend a month travelling around, seeing the sites as well as visiting some friends and then mid February I head to my Leadership Development Course for six weeks.  I am so looking forward to this course and have heard nothing but great things about it and I think it will be so beneficial to leading camp in the future.

I get back to Canada at the end of March.  I will spend some time travelling around Alberta visiting far away friends that are so dear to my heart that I haven’t seen in  long time.  I will also spend some time at Frontier Lodge (an outdoor adventure camp in Nordegg), learning and seeing how they do things as that is the idea and goal and dream and vision for Camp Gozo.  I will also probably sneak in a couple weeks at Bethel Bible Camp as well.  The plan is also to take some time away and seek the Lord on the future of camp and just make sure that my plan are also His plans.  AND also somewhere in there to sneak in some good R n R.

Thats kind of my next year in a nut shell.  The plan at this point in time is to go back to Colombia at the end of this year or beginning of next year, but as I was flying here to Canada I was thinking to myself that I may not last that long.  That I may just miss Colombia a little to much.  I know some of you may think I am crazy with my latest blog posts on how tired I have been, but these past five years Colombia has become my home and second family.  I also know that rest is good and needed.  The good thing is that I don’t have to make any decisions now and we can just see how everything plays out.

Anyways that’s what the next year and adventure looks like for me at this point, and while it may be hard to be away from Colombia for a year, I am also looking forward to some good reconnecting with my Canadian family and friend.

I am going to include some picture of my family in Colombia as well as maybe sneak some kid pictures in, just because they are so cute.

Also changed my email to

Love you all


 Two girls dear to my heart.  Have come to every teen girl camp since we started and are part of the teen girls group on Wednesday

 Two girls that come to the kids club on Friday

 Chuy (Jesus) from Venezuela and Michele from Pennsylvania
 My neighbours and adopted brothers.
 Alex from Venezuela (guy in the front with the glasses) and some of the kids he's raised.
 Ali from Kansas (a missionary from a Baptist church that is now back in Canada) and Becka from England, we also live in the same building
Carlos, my right man at the boys camp


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