It's Getting Closer

Just over 10 days till the first camp of  the year starts…. I am so excited and so thankful that as of yet I am not stressed out, last year at this time I was having minor panic attacks.  My list of things to do is getting smaller and smaller and I am so thankful for my team here who are taking some of my responsibilities so I have time to focus on getting camp stuff done.  I am thankful for a full staff, I was a little worried about having male staff for the boys camp but they all came through.  I am so excited for these kids and for the way that God is going to touch their hearts, I am so excited that they can come out and have fun and laugh and take a break break from their lives.  Walking around their neighbourhood just breaks my heart and I can't even imagine growing up where they live.  I am so excited, or feel so blessed to be part of what God is going to do in their lives and feeling so blessed that I can see just a glimpse of how much God loves these children.  Something He has been laying on me heart lately (especially when I have little freak outs about the finances or finding all the staff) is that He is a God of extravagance, He is wants to lavish his love and joy on these children and in Matthew 7 where Jesus is talking about who will give their son a stone when he asks for bread or a snake when he ask for a fish.  God wants good things for his children and he is not going to hold out on them.  
So thats just a little bit of whats been going on in my heart, but do have a few things to keep praying about….
1)  It looks like Esperanza is going to come and we even have a nurse thats going to come and help with her, so please pray that this actually happens and for her safety and health, she does have some seizures but is progressing quiet well.
2) Not to long ago there was a bus accident in the North of Colombia where over 30 children died, the bus they used and safety regulations where not obeyed, this is resulting in parents not wanting to send their kids to camp.  I have talked to a few parents and explained that we are doing things according to the law.  Please pray that this won't be a factor in kids going to camp.
3) All the finances aren't in yet and this is something that I am not even worried about (most of the time)knowing God is going to provide and that He is indeed a God that provides but if any of you want to help out with sending a kids to camp here is the information, they have also set up an account for Camp Gozo under projects and you can donate to the camp through them as well.

Thanks again and your prayers are so appreciated and your support is such an encouragement to me.  
Thank you


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