Pray Pray Pray

I think this is the closest together that any of my blog posts have been ever.
I just wanted to remind you guys to pray for our team and Colombia on Halloween.  As some of you might remember Halloween here is a little darker then it is in North America and Satan uses this day to let others know of his darkness and his power ( I am thankful that our God is greater and our God is stronger).  From 6-9pm we will be opening on of our ministries so kids can come in and have an alternative to be on the street where, especially in their neighborhood is extremely dangerous.  We need all the prayer warriors we can get so please please pray especially this time.  Pray for safety for our team and for the kids, pray against attacks and for God’s light to shine despite the darkness that is in the neighborhood we will be in.
Well I am at it a couple other prayer requests.  This week I will be starting teaching sexuality to the teenage girls we have and I really need prayer for wisdom.  Most of these girls are so young yet are so aware so sexuality and have a real distorted view of it.  I am sure they have seen more and been exposed to more and some of them have experienced more then one could even really wrap their head around at such a young age.  I can also see that a lot of them are just held captive by this topic and they could really use prayer to.  Last week we were just decorating the journals we are going to use and it was incredible to see the force that I was up against.  One girl wrote on the front page of her journal “sex” and then a D and a C.  She told me the initials stood for her and her boyfriend.  She is just 14 years old.  She then proceeded to tell me that I was the one with the bad thoughts from not thinking that what she wrote was anything but innocent.
Also another prayer request is, I don’t know if I mentioned this in a blog post or if I just let a few people know.  One weekend a month I will be taking in two twin sisters who are 14 yrs old.  One of them is the girl that I mentioned earlier.  These girls come from a family of 14 and 11 of them share a room that is probably the size of a walk in closet.  They pay for their room per day.  Their mom and dad fight all the time and their dad drinks and when he drinks he doesn’t bring home money for food that day so they often go hungry.  They also have no water in their house and have been washing their clothes at the school.  One day I was helping them wash clothes and cockroaches were coming our of their bag and one bag was full of worms and the smell was something that I hope I never have to smell again.  And these girls live in this 24/7.  I was talking to their mom the other week and she was telling me what it was like in the house and I was just thinking to myself, no wonder these girls are so full of anger.  So I think I am going to be against a lot of opposition taking these girls in.  SO prayers against that and prayers for wisdom will be appreciated.  I am just hoping that their weekend at my house is one weekend where they can just be kids.
Also some of you know that I had a little puppy and about a week ago he died.  If I am being honest it has been a little bit of a tough year but God has continued to show me His goodness and how joy and pain can exisist together.
On a happier note I had the opportunity to take some of the girls rock climbing when they were on a holiday from school and on Saturday evening we also had a candlelight dinner for the older girls, more then anything to just let them know that they are beautiful and special and that they have incredible value and worth.
One on last note I am coming home for a little furlough November 26th to January 12th.  I am really looking forward to the break, I am really looking forward to seeing all of you and I am really looking forward to resting so I can start the new year fresh.

Thanks again for you prayers


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