My list of Thankfulness

So here is a little glimps into my ticket fiasco. I got to the airport nice and early in Bogota for a flight that I was suppose to be on. I get to the counter and they said that I wasn’t on the flight and sent me to another counter. When I got to the counter this one lady (who wasn’t very nice), told me that expedia cancelled my flight. On my cell phone I am trying to call everyone I know, but they are all in a party. I get a hold of Mary, who isn’t at the party and she gets a hold of someone at the party as she doesn’t have internet access. They call me and it turns out that expedia cancelled the flight because they said LAN cancelled with them. While my friends were on hold with expedia, I was running around Amazing Race style, trying to find another flight. The earliest flight turned out to be for Thursday when my school starts on Monday. I was then trying to see if I could fly to the southern most part of Colombia and take a speedboat over. Alas expedia got me on the 115am flight to Lima and then a 7pm flight to Iquitos. So yes there were a lot of tears, partly due to frustration and partly due to being really exhausted and sick. At one point I was crying so hard I had to excuse myself in front of the LAN personal and turn away. When expedia called me to say my ticket was ready and I went to the LAN counter and all was good, I cried again. It was such a relief. So I though as an end of this post I would write what I was thankful for in this time, in no particular order so I remain thankful and not frustrated.

1) I am thankful for getting a cell phone so I was able to call people to help me out during this time.

2) I am thankful for Mary who answered her cell phone and then tracked down Carlos and Katrina who then called me.

3) I am soooo thankful for Carlos and Katrina who really spent hours on the phone with expedia trying to fix this and that it ended up working out in the end.

4) I am thankful that I had time to eat a delicious crepe, at Crepe and Waffles, which happens to be one of the best restaurants in Colombia.

5) I am thankful for the nice lady at LAN, who brought be a glass of water when I was crying.

6) I am thankful that the elevator control lady let me go up in the elevator with my cart so I could eat at crepes and waffles, even though she wasn’t suppose to, I think she saw the desperation in my face.

7) I am thankful for the plastic wrap man, who I asked to please not ask me again if I wanted my bags wrapped. ( I walked by him at least 12 times and he would just smile and wave).

8) I am thankful that I had a two hour ground delay while I was already on the plane so I got two extra hours of sleep.

9) I am thankful that I got to Lima and that my bags made it as well.

10 I am thankful that when I pushed the button to see if they were going to go through my bags, the light was green so I got to go free.

11) I am thankful that I got 180 days on my visa for Peru

12) I am thankful for Starbucks in the Lima airport that has WiFi

13) I am soooo thankful for all my friends that were praying for me

14) I am thankful for my Father in Heaven, who was with me all the way and who forgives me for my untrust, when he has shown himself faithful to me ALL the time

See a lot to be thankful for, it definitely out weighs the horrors of the night.


Unknown said…
I am thankful for your post! It is a wonderful reminder to be grateful, even in the midst of frustrating situations.

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