Well just like that it’s over…all over, like really done. It’s a little unbelievable to tell you the truth, it doesn’t seem real. It was a good way to end, four out of the seven girls that were invited came (well a wrong one was sent, apparently there are more than one Dana’s and somewhere along the line messages got crossed), but God knew, this Dana needed to come. We had a lot of fun playing more boardish type games, games that you can really only do with a small group. We of course played gaga-ball (still an all-time favorite) and went one the zip line (another all-time favorite) and Friday we went out to Suesca (one of my all-time favorite places in Colombia) to go rock climbing (one of my all-time favorite things to do) and THEY LOVED IT, which made my heart happy, it challenged them, they were a little scared, but when they came down they were all smiles and super keen on talking about how it was for them and they couldn’t wait to try the other rou...