
Showing posts from December, 2019

Some News

Once again it’s been too long and once again there is a lot to share. We had the boys 14-18 camp.  It was a little bit stressful leading up to it, once again I had staff cancel, some leaving early, some arriving late.  While this required some juggling around it all worked out because we only had a few boys sign up.  It went well over all.  They were well behaved (well for the most past but we do expect some misbehavior now and then).  And if I am being honest, with this group it’s hard to tell how much they are receiving and how attentive they are for the devotional times.  I just pray that what they learned and experienced here, not only through the devotionals, but also through the games and activities and interactions with the staff, that will take root and grow in their hearts once they leave camp and that the memories will stay with them.  I always like to remind myself that God brought them here for a reason and He hand-picked each one of those boys, so I pray that His plan