
Showing posts from May, 2019

Soul Care

Brace yourselves this might be a long one, I guess that’s what happens when I don’t update you guys as often as I should.   I feel like there is a lot to update you guys on, a lot to pray for and just a lot of random thoughts that have been going on in me head.   But I guess I will just start writing and see where we end up. In March I had two lovely visitors, a grandma and her granddaughter, that came and worked and worked and worked.   They got so much done.   Cleaning and organizing and shelve and coat rack building, but I think the best part of it was the lovely company they were.   Between the lovely morning chats (before the granddaughter woke up) and the endless games of Rook… we won’t say who won most of them.   But it was awesome having them here. Just a few days after they left my mom and another friend came to visit.   It was also very lovely.   Showing them around Bogota and around Colombia, going to one of my favorite places, Salento and the Valle to Cocora, sooo