Some of you know, from my many emails asking for prayer, that our last camp didn’t end how one would want/imagine/hope.  I won’t get into all the details because there are a lot and a lot of them have since been sorted out, but it would also make the blog long winded,  But on the last night of camp one of the boys got hurt.  A few boy jumped up and hung from the soccer net and it tipped over and fell on this kids face.  His bottom lip was ripped up really bad, like scary movie bad, and he lost several of his upper teeth and some of them got pushed up into his gums.  He was rushed to the hospital and has had two surgeries, but is now home and recovering.  There is still some figuring out to do and he will need implants, which insurance doesn’t cover, so we are seeing how we can help out with that and other additional costs that come along with this incident.

Needless to say it wasn’t fun and I was struggling with the whole realm of emotions.  (I am doing way better now).  But a lot of tears were shed on a daily basis.  I was fighting feelings of guilt, of shame, of failure, of disappointment.  That I let my team down here, that I let people back home down and everybody that has supported camp and that has been part of my journey,  Feeling that I disappointed God, who has entrusted me with camp and with all these beautiful children that have come through camp.  And feelings of fear, oh so much fear.  As people would say that there is a lot to learn for next year, I would whisper, there is not going to be a next year.  It was hard, it was messy and I couldn’t see an end.  I didn’t have hope that this would end well, I didn’t have faith that God knew what He was doing, that He was still in control and I didn’t trust in his faithfulness, even though He has always been faithful throughout  MY ENTIRE LIFE.  I thought this one incident would erase all the good that has happened since we did our first camp… and all the awesomeness that has happened this year.  I thought that all that wouldn’t matter anymore.  It was HARD.  

But in all of this, even when I couldn’t see it, oh man has God ever been faithful.  And was His hand ever working.  I am so thankful that our directors were just down the road, Evie has her nursing license and was able to patch him up until we go to the hospital (his injuries were WAY past basic first aid).  I am thankful that Steve was able to drive him, cause I was in no state to be driving to the hospital and I would of had to use google maps.  I am so thankful for my good friend that went to the hospital with me the next day to talk and figure out insurance in a system that I have no idea how works and in a language that I am still learning.  I am so thankful for the OVERWHELMING love and support that I received.  All the emails, the calls, the  words of encouragement, and all the prayers.  I am so thankful for an awesome team here who has been so sportive and has given me so many hugs and who have prayed with me and for me.

And God has been so faithful this WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR, and he has done awesome things in these kids lives though THIS CAMP and He will continue to do so.  I just think of this boy that got hurt.  He is a 16 year old boy, who is in a gang, into drugs and YET he REALLY WANTED to come to camp.  And I KNOW and I TRUST, that God is going to big things in his life.  And I pray in faith, that he is going to be a changed 16 year old and even one day come back to camp as staff.

Like I mentioned, and I’m sure you guys can imagine, it has been tough, but even I mentioned this in my last blog (still learning it obviously)

God is ALWAYS good
God is ALWAYS faithful
this wasn’t a surprise to Him
He has got this
this is not out of His control… so I can just let go and TRUST in Him, REST in Him and have HOPE and FAITH in what He has done, what He is doing and what He is going to do….

There is still a lot to pray for…
For his healing and his heart, that it would in fact be turned toward God
There is a big financial burden to get implants and bridges that aren’t covered by insurance.
For his mom and her heart, she is understandably angry and wants justice and has sought legal advice.

Anyways I do really, from the debts of my heart want to thank you all who have prayed, who have sent emails, who have encouraged me along the way.  I really wouldn’t of made through these past couple of weeks if it wasn’t for all of you.

You know the saying that it takes a village to raise a child.  Well now more then ever I am convinced that it also takes a village to raise a Ingie… So once again.  Thank you all of so much.


Anonymous said…
Love it Ingie!

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