
Showing posts from September, 2018

Another Camp in the Books

So here it goes, another camp in the books and it was a full one.  20 beautiful girls ages 8-10 and 9 staff… every single bunk was used minus one.  And despite them coming together a little late, the are BEAUTIFUL and the girls and staff loved them and they go perfectly with the rusticness of camp.  It feels so good to have the bunks done and now even more then ever it looks like a camp, which of course makes me excited. We did a little bit of a longer/harder hike with these girls and it actually turned out exactly how I wanted it to.  There was lots of complaining on the way up, a lot of them telling me they didn’t want to go any further but once they got to the top, the loved the view, loved hanging in the hammock and loved playing the games up at the top and on the way down they we’re all smiles.  I always ask them what their favorite part if camp was, a lot of them said the hike.  ( Well almost all of them say the food… we make sure to fill them up).  Even one of my staff said