Crazy Three Weeks

Once again it’s been way to long (I really have to stop starting my blogs like this I know) and so much has happened and there is so much to tell, I have no idea how I can fit it into one blog post.  It’s been a crazy three plus weeks and of course I’ve meant to blog on various occasions but between it being busy and tired and having a broken computer (still broken but hopefully it will be fixed soon) I just kept putting in off, but tomorrow life is going to get busy again so really its now or never.

At the beginning of June for one week and wonderful group of 8 people from my church in Canada came.  It was such and incredible huge blessing having them here and man did they ever work hard. Camp got a Gaga Ball Pit, a sweet fire side, an A frame team walker and two pairs of team walking skis (pictures will be attacked for the last two).  Not only did camp get all that sweet stuff and that they finally made it look like a camp.  I got three solid delicious meals a day and not only did they leave me with a full stomach, the left me with a full heart, they left me feeling really encouraged and of course the left me with lots of memories and laughs and they are welcome back ANY TIME, like really ANY TIME.  (I do want to reflect more on teams and missions but in order to not make this blog incredibly long and scattered, I will do this in my next blog)

And then after they left came a wonderful of four guys came.  Two to do outdoor leadership training with my staff and two to do more work outside, they installed two zip line, swing things that my church team brought down and lots of little extra things that I needed down around the house.  I felt like the staff training was amazing.  Not only did I feel the learnt a lot and not only was it awesome to see them step in leadership skills, it was so awesome to see them bond and work together. 

And then finally came the week that I have been most anticipating and the week that I had a lot of anxieties about as well… our very first camp at on our very own land.  I was nervous cause we didn’t have any bunk beds ( they arrived, but they are unfinished, its about 4 more days of work and I have to find a carpenter to do them, hopefully they will be ready for our next camp in August).  I was nervous thinking the girls would complain there wasn’t any pool, I was nervous they wouldn’t like the new set up or the new games and that everyone, including the staff would just be disappointed and bored.  I know that I shouldn’t of been worrying about this, but well I was.  Well it was an amazing week, I warned the girls that they might get dirty (they told me that why the came) and the loved everything.  The loved  the Gaga Ball Pit, even though it meant they got muddy, the loved the zip line swing thing, they loved all the games and put their everything into it.  The game room upstairs was a huge blessing because it did rain a lot so it gave girls a cool place to hang out.  We went on two little walks (decided against a long hike as the girls didn’t have proper foot wear and we thought  we should just start small), some of them did complain a little but they were great sports and had lots of fun on the hikes (this was also a big thanks to my staff as well).  We had to play hide and seek inside one night cause of the rain, but did manage to sneak in a fire with a full on hot dog roast with marshmallows in our new sweet fire are.  But besides all of this, the girls got lots of love, had lots of laughs and learned a lot about God.  They sang their hearts out in our times of worship.  They learned that they are loved and unique and worth so much.  They learned about the love of their heavenly Father and to start to forgive their earthly fathers.  It was an awesome time and I am so thankful that I get to be part of this crazy journey God has me on.  I know I have mentioned this before but my three girls came and helped out and what a pleasure and joy it was to serve A LONG SIDE OF THEM, I really didn’t think I would see the day.  They are amazing young ladies.

Well I am going to cut if off there with maybe a couple prayers requests…

Our next camp is August 18-20th for boys 8-10

Security continues to be an issue in these parts.  The day before camp a neighbours house down the road got broken into at about 2am.  They had guns.  No one was hurt but all the houses in the area set off their alarms (me included), the police did come but were unable to catch them.  So there was very little sleep that happened that night)

And last night, another neighbour, someone killed and stole 13 of his pigs. 

Also please pray that these bunk beds get put together and that I am able to find a carpenter that is good and that I can trust.

Thank you again for all your prayers and encouragement.

(also my brother and his family come tomorrow which I am super excited about)
(p.s I have no camp pictures to share as of yet cause I can't figure out how to download them on the camp computer)
( I forgot to mention the 9 square and the tire run)
p.p.p.s I couldn't find a picture of the A FRAME, you just might have to google it)
 Fire pit and gaga ball bit
 One of the tire runs
9 square, the same of four but just with 9


Lainers said…
Looks like your life sees more action than Rambo. Take care my lovely. I look forward to seeing you in some months ahead. Love the chat we had...Elaine

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