I can hardly believe I have been back for almost two months, it feels like I just got back but at the same time if felt like I have never left. It has been so AWESOME being back, it has been so good to re connect with old friends and to get the ball rolling on setting up camp. I feel like I have so much to say but I will try and be choosy and not ramble on to much. Well number one, we have almost everything we need for camp. All the kitchen stuff is bought, the table and chairs and all the bedding. It was quiet fun when we went to buy the kitchen stuff, me not being kitchen savvy, especially when it comes to what would be needed for 30+ people, I just sat there and my friends went around and put stuff in a pile, but we did get a super good deal and it was a lot of fun. For the table and chairs and the bedding, a friend went around the centre for Bogota (not the best place to be wandering around) and checked everything out and found the stores tha...