Where has the time gone… it’s already mid June and my sabbatical is pretty much half over. I thought that I would be bored after getting back from New Zealand and trying to find things to occupy my time, but it is the complete opposite, I am going to have to remind myself to take time to rest, cause I think that’s what your suppose to do on a sabbatical, but don’t quote me on that, I have never taken one before so I am not 100% sure what I am suppose to be doing (insert smiley face). I thought I would just take a minute to update you all and let you know what I have been doing to keep busy. For all of you who were asking and still not sure, I am going back to Colombia. So far the plan is end of December beginning of January. This summer I will be busy at camp, starting with three weeks at Frontier Lodge in Nordegg at the beginning of July and two weeks at Bethel Bible camp, both in August. With the rest of the time I plan on catching up ...