
Showing posts from March, 2017

Just a tiny update

It is or will be quiet impossible to describe these past six weeks and I just may wait a bit to fully tell how awesome it was, mostly cause I am pretty tired and my mind is still wheeling and processing so much.  I just wanted to give a quick update cause a lot of you knew that the plan was to be back in Canada on the 26th of March, well the 26th has come and gone (not sure what day it is there with the time change) and I am not in Canada, I am still in New Zealand.  But for not much longer…. Another awesome learning and growing opportunity presented itself and after changing my mind five times, I finally decided to grab life by the horns and embrace this awesome opportunity.  One of the teachers in my leadership course is going to Fiji on the 2nd of April to teach at a discipleship training school on the subject of identity and she invited me to go with her.  I thought what an opportunity to learn from one of the best (she is a seriously gifted teacher, like seriously) on a subje