Here We Go Again

So here we go again a new year to see and experience God in new way and another year to be part of what He is doing here in Colombia.  I have to say I am so excited for this year, especially for camp and the big things that God is going to do this year, I am so ready to have my socks knocked off.

Since being back in Colombia after Christmas, I have just been busy up in Cazuca (the slums) getting things ready for the kids this year and getting a head start on camp stuff.

This little update will be mostly prayer requests as we start off this new year.

I have met with my girls a couple times and please remember them in your prayers.  One is working and saving up as much as she can so she can go do her DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Argentina.  She is hoping to go in April.  She is super motivated and super excited and maybe a little bit scared.

Another one wants to go to Argentina as well (a different school) but has had a hard time finding work because she is under age.

The one I am most worried about however is Esperanza, she has seemed to lost her motivation and  desire to do a DTS, although she hasn’t said as much it has been showing in her actions.  It has been easy for her to find excuses of why she isn’t working and I can see slipping back into her old ways.  I am not going to lie, this has been a little bit discouraging.  She is surrounded in a world that tells her that she will never move forward, that she will never amount to anything and that she will just be the same as the generations before her.  Please pray that those lies won’t consume her and that all her hopes and dreams will be refreshed her in heart and mind and that they will drive her to continue to make the changes that she was so committed to making just a couple months ago.

Please keep camp in your prayers to.  Please pray ahead of time for all the staff that will be coming, the speakers and especially that God will start to prepare the little hearts of the kids that will be coming.   

We are hoping to add a women’s camp this year and this is a little out of the realm of my expertise, but all the kids moms have been asking for one.  This is a real positive thing as they have seen changes in their kids and they have been desiring what they have.

Also please pray for a permanent team of people to be part of Camp Gozo, this is so needed, especially as camp continues to grow.

I am also going to dedicate time this year to start looking for some land.  Now this is VERY overwhelming and also VERY exciting at the same time.  Please pray for direction and wisdom as we take this next step.

And one last thing, it looks like I will be taking a bit of a sabbatical next year.  As of yet the plan will start with me going to New Zealand to do a 6 week leadership school with Youth With a Mission, which has been highly recommended for people do who are in leadership roles.  After that it will be  back to Canada and I hope to spend some time at outdoor adventure camps to see and learn how things are run there for when Camp Gozo has land.  Also time to fundraise for land, to visit far away friends that I don’t see on short trips back at Christmas and of course some time to rest.

So I think that is it for now.  Please keep the things in your prayers and I will do my best to keep you updated as the year goes on.


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