
Showing posts from May, 2014

Here We Go

It´s getting closer, in just over a month the first Camp Gozo of 2014 will start.  I am beyond excited, a little freaked out at times but soooo excited.  Things are coming together, still lots to do but things are coming together nicely. June 17-18 will be boys ages 8-10 June 19-20 will be girls ages 8-10 June 24-27 Teen girls ages 14 and up That will be a total of 90 kids.  Don´t worry the rest of the age groups will come in October and December. As I mentioned things are coming together nicely, staff is coming together, the schedule and games and activities are coming together.  The place we rent is coming together.  And I am basically just so thankful that this dream that God has placed on my heart for these children He loves so much is coming together and growing and for the team of people, both here and afar, that are excited about this vision and are becoming apart of it. What I need from you is prayer, more prayer and then when you think you´ve prayed enough, just a