
Showing posts from September, 2013

Learning CURVE

19 days and counting (that is if I finish writing this today and post it, if it’s tomorrow it will be 18 days and counting).   It has been crazy and busy and crazy and then a little more busy, but it´s ALMOST, ALMOST all together.  I have been excited, nervous, excited and little more nervous, overwhelmed, excited, grateful, excited and awed.  I have felt soo blessed by the encouragement and support that I have received in this past month and a bit, it has been incredible. We had our first staff meeting on Sunday and it is a great group of staff, there were a few girls that I haven’t met and a few that haven’t met each other, but we had a great time and it’s going to be a great team.  It was an answer to prayer because I wanted girls that didn’t work with the ministry and I wanted lot’s of Colombians and in a staff of 12, only 4 of us are foreigners.  So that is a huge answer to prayer. I also sent out an email for some of you to pray as the weeks the girls that are coming had off