
Showing posts from May, 2013

Life of Ingie as of late

What has been happening in the life of Ingie you may ask, I would tell you that is a good question.  I can believe where the time has gone.  It’s already the middle of May and in a month we will already be half done the school year.  CRAZY.  While the girls I work with have a lot going on in their lives and while at time it seems overwhelming I am very blessed to be working with them.   Such a difference from last year when everything seemed to be a fight, this year it feels like real work can be done know that a relationship has been formed and trust has been built. We have also split up the girls and have been doing smaller group discipleship with them, which has been good.   My girls have been honest and open and have some hard questions and have shared their doubts, which have been awesome that they are willing to be so honest, but please pray for me and for wisdom as I attempt to answer their questions.   There are two girls that are still on my heart and really ne