
Showing posts from May, 2012

Life Goes on

Life does go on, yes indeed and life with my continuing ed kids has been mostly good days which has been nice, but there for sure has been some frustrating days in there to.  We had an awesome pizza party and only three didn’t come but it was really hard for me not to let those three come and I still wonder if maybe I should of let them, I can be a big suck sometime to so I never really know if its me just being a suck and I should suck it up, or if I should have let them come… anyways its over and done with. Something else I have been doing with them is taking them for ice cream on their birthday.  It was Erika’s 15 th birthday which is REALLY HUGE here, and she is one that I have been having a more difficult time with, but the ice cream was a break through for us, since it was her 15 th birthday I let her pick whatever she wanted and we had such a nice time and we had such a nice talk.  A couple days later I saw her mom and her mom told me that she couldn’t stop talking about i