
Showing posts from February, 2012

New Year

It has been to long, way to long and for that I am sorry. I had and an absolutely amazing time with my family in Switzerland and feel so incredible blessed that I got to spend time with them, just hanging out with my niece and nephew was pretty special, they are stinkin' cute.  I also went snowboarding in the Alps and snowshoeing, which was AMAZING ate fondu and a lot of chocolate.  Leave to Colombians honesty, when I got back I was told that I got fat in Switzerland.  Anyways it was a really really special time.  I have a darn good family. Another thing I am thankful for is that I have internet in my house (another Colombian honesty thing, when the computer guy met me face to face he said "I'm surprised your so young, you sounded like an old lady on the phone.)  So that also means more frequent blog posts…. Anyways another year has started so I will give you guys a little glimpse of of what a typical week looks like. Mondays: team meeting Tuesdays : teach Christian l