And Breath

So that's it, it's all over. My DTS that is. How do I feel???? It's always mixed feelings when things like this are over, but if I am being honest I am mostly excited. It was a just over 5 months filled with challenges, tears and laughter, I learned a lot and grew a lot but ready to move on to the next stage of life. Which is COLOMBIA YAY.
I think I left off when we were in Arica Chile, which was so long ago so for that I am sorry. I think my favorite part of week is when we had people over to the church to watch the soccer game between Chile and.... (I forget). Anyways the day before we went out handing out invitations to people to come to this party and most of them were skater kids, who when we were hanging out with them were trying to show off by swearing and talking about marijuana. But a ton of them came and I loved it. We watched the soccer game and then we played some games and of course there were a couple times we had to tell them not to swear but to me, that night, I felt that's who God wanted in His church and I think that He was pretty happy that we were hanging out with them just the way they were.
From Arica we went to Cuzco which was another good week. We spent just a couple days in Cuzco before going up to the Quechua village. In Cuzco we had an afternoon where my team bought bread and went an handed it out to people. We were just really looking for a practical way to share and earlier I shared how I ate walking past all these beggars and not even looking at them. I know the answer is not to give them money but I also know that the answer is not just walking past them either. So we decided to get bread and hand them out. I was really excited about this but moments before we went, I think due to the elevation I got sick so had to stay back. From there we woke up early Friday morning to go to this Quechua village, which to me was the coolest experience. I am not writing this from my own computer but in a couple days I will post pictures. It was jut an unique experience. On Sunday morning the sermon was translated from English, to Spanish to Quechua. And all the colors they wore. We also had the privilege of catching the end of a Quechua wedding. So many colors. It was really cool.
From Cuzco we went to Lima for a week, which was our final destination. Well we were just outside of Lima. We got in from Cuzco after a 22 hour bus ride, we were so excited that it was out last bus ride ever, we get picked up by the pastor, hop in a cab, thinking we were going to the church and when we arrive we look out the window and we were at another bus station. So we got on the bus again, this time for only 3 hours to go to Huacho. Then after our week in Huacho we flew back to Iquitos where we had a couple days to relax before we had our grad and then me and two other girls left early Saturday morning to fly back to Cuzco to go to Machu Pichu which was absolutely incredible and well worth going if you haven't gone.
Then I came to Lima to visit and stay with some friends that I met in Colombia who are now here in Peru starting the same type of thing has in Colombia. And no starts the process to apply for my VISA, it got a little delayed because the papers that were sent from Colombia had the wrong passport number on it so we had to get new ones. But the new papers are here and I will be going to the embassy tomorrow and I think they interview me and then have to wait for about 10 days to see if I am approved and then hopefully off to Colombia in about 2 weeks.
So thats it, the first part of my journey is over. Thank you all so much for your support and and prayers through it all and I am so excited to see what is in store for this next leg. And soon I will have more pictures up to.
Thanks again


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