
Showing posts from May, 2011

Almost outreach time

Well where as the time gone. I am sitting here in the internet cafe, the one I have come to many times, but know there is not a lot of time left. I have one more week of classes left before we go on outreach. We will be two weeks in a river village. Prayer will really be appreciated for this because it's a tough place to be and really challenging, also we already have two people on our team that have dengue and there are a lot of mosquito's so please please keep our team in your prayers. I am looking forward to it because I know its an experience of a life tome but I know it will be really challenging as well. After the river, we spend one more week in Iquitos, the spend some time in other cities in Peru such as Arequipa, Cuzco, Lima and Chiclayo and then off to a couple cities in Bolivia. I am soo excited for the outreach, so so so excited. The lecture phase has been awesome. There have been incredibly challenging parts about it and times that I just wanted to scream. B