
Showing posts from November, 2009

Because I didn't have a gun

So I think after this there will be one more post and thats it folks, then my journey in Colombia is over (well for now at least)....... So I have still been going up to Cazuca and its always a blessing being there, although it makes for a very long day. About a month ago I went with Mary and some of her kids to this dentist ministry that the english church here in Bogota. Its soo good for the kids cause a lot of them have never been to the dentist and its free for them. They also have tons of activities for the kids to do and they have a blast. They also have a hair dresser there that cuts there hair. One little 3 year old girl got her hair cut and it was her first time. She was so scared that it was going to hurt that she had these big alligator tears coming down her cheeks. So now comes the story about the title. So most of our school kids come from this neighbourhood up on a mountain and when we pick them up for school we always pick them up that the bottom of the little mou...

More picutres

A real sweet game where the had to listne to instructions to get the balls off the string They were challenged too Us teachers even got into it A game where they had to fight for the sack and they didn't even really fight, we were all amazed The river was what they liked most about the camp

Some dentest ministry pictures and some camp pictures

The swing which the loved Early early in the morning waiting for the bus to take us to the camp Getting her hair cut Only 12 and she already had to get a root canal (her name is Ingrid by the way) These are two kids out of a family of five